Remember When the Trick Wasn't a Treat?

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Jade: "Okay. So this is the planchette. We're all supposed to touch it and ask questions. If we connect with spirits, they move it to a letter to spell out an answer."
Mazzi: "How do we know it won't be one of us moving it?"
Shaka: "Cause out of the four of us, Y/n and I are the only ones who can spell."
Jade mocked what Shaka said. As we were about to start playing we heard the floor creak. We all looked and everyone but me started screaming.
Y/n: "Y'all calm down!"
It was a sheet over someone. The sheet came off and it was Uncle Daniel.
Daniel: "Gotcha"
Y/n: "It's only Daniel."
Mazzi: "I wasn't scared"
I gave him a straight face.
Daniel: "Oh yeah?"
He looked at the bed.
Daniel: "Ah. I see y'all fooling with the devil's board."
Shaka: "We can explain—"
Daniel: "No need. The devil and I go way back. Move over."
He said getting in between Shaka and Mazzi.
Y/n: "Friends with the devil? I guess church kids do rebel."
I said shaking my head.
Jade: "Okay. First question."
We all put our fingers on the planchette.
Jade: "Are there any spirits present?"
The planchette started to move to yes.
Daniel: "Yes?! There are spirits present."
I stood up quickly and so did Mazzi.
Y/n: "Nope! Not feeling it."
Mazzi: "Yep, I'm out."
Jade: "No no! You can't leave now. It's our combined energy that invited the spirit. Come on."
Shaka pulled me back down as Jade looked around. I put my fingers back on the planchette.
Jade: "Who are you?"
We read the letters as the planchette moved.
All: "P...O...O...K...I...E?"
Daniel looked shocked.
Daniel: "Pookie? I knew a guy named Pookie who passed away a few years ago. What do you want Pookie??"
All: "M...O...N...E...Y?"
Daniel stood up.
Daniel: "Pookie, man, it's not my fault you died before I could pay you back. I told you not to eat gas station sushi!"
Shaka starts laughing.
Shaka: "Gotcha! I remember when you told me that story."
I hit his side.
Shaka: "Ow"
Daniel: "Yeah funny. That's why I played along."
Jade: "right, right. Come on guys. Let's do it for real."
She said as Shaka and Daniel sat back down.
Jade: "Are there any spirits here?"
The planchette moved to yes. I looked at Shaka.
Shaka: "I didn't move it."
Mazzi: "Me neither."
The lights started to flicker and we all looked around scared. Jade looked around.
Jade: "Do you think we opened a portal?"
My head snapped to her. There was thunder then we all started screaming. I ducked my head down. Eventually, Ami came back upstairs. Shaka, Jade and Mazzi were pacing the room as I sat on the bed scared.
Y/n: "I never should have listened to you Shaka! I should've went with Ami!"
He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.
Mazzi: "How could Uncle Daniel be taking a nap after we possibly opened a portal?"
Ami stood up from the bed.
Ami: "M'Dear told y'all not to mess with that thing. But did you listen? NOOOOO!"
Jade: "It's Shaka's fault."
Shaka: "Why is everyone blaming me? I thought it would be fun. Who knew you couldn't talk to dead people without opening the gates of hell?"
Ami: "I knew, AND IM NINE!"
The thunder crashed loudly again and we all screamed. Mazzi got on his knees.
Mazzi: "Start praying! We might have triggered the apocalypse!"
The lights went out and a dog howled. Then the lights came back on, but I was covering my face with one of Jade's pillows.
Shaka: "It's probably just the neighbor's dog."
Mazzi: "The neighbor has a CAT!"
Y/n: "And I don't have any pets!"
Jade: "Do you think it's the demon from the portal coming to snatch our souls?"
Y/n: "Stop it stop it stop stop just stop it! I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"
I said moving the pillow from in front of my face.
Ami: "Look!"
She said pointing at the window. We all looked and we saw red glowing eyes. We all scream and run all the way downstairs.
Y/n: "This is not what I wanted to come back to!"
Shaka grabbed my hand but I could tell he was a little scared too.
Shaka: "It's okay. Mom?"
Jade: "Dad?"
Mazzi: "Where is everybody?"
The tv turned on by itself, stopping us in our tracks. We look at the tv and slowly walk towards it. As we walk over, Moz walks onto the screen. He knocked.
Moz: "Hey kids!"
Ami: "Daddy? How'd you get in the TV?"
Moz: "I don't know. The last thing I remember, I was in my room. I opened my closet door, and there was an orange light that just sucked me in. When I woke up...I was here, trapped."
Y/n: "Whaaa"
Mazzi: "The portal."
Shaka: "It's real. We actually opened it."
Moz: "Go find your mom so she can get help. Hurry! Before it's too—"
The TV cut off.
Mazzi: "Too what? Dad too what?! What do you think he was gonna say?"
Ami: "LATE FOOL! Come on, we gotta find Mom!"
We ran upstairs to their parents room and found Cocoa.
Jade: "Mom! Mom! Shaka forced us to play with the Ouija board, and then we accidentally opened up a portal to the underworld in your closet!"
Cocoa stood up quickly.
Cocoa: "What? They didn't get any of my red bottoms, did they?"
We all looked at each other.
Shaka: "Are you listening?! We opened a portal, and somehow Dad fell through it."
Cocoa: "Okay, guys, I know the storm is keeping you from your treats, but that doesn't mean, you can trick me this easily."
Mazzi: "We're serious!"
Y/n: "Have you seen my mom and Roman?"
She thought for a second.
Cocoa: "You know, it was kind of strange."
Kids: "Oh noooo"
Cocoa: "I was talking to them. And I went into the bathroom, and when I came back, they were gone."
Shaka: "Uh, how long were you in the bathroom?"
Cocoa: "It's none of your business how long it took me to handle my business. Okay, guys listen, there is no such thing as evil spirits or portals to the underworld. I'll prove it to you, okay?"
She walked towards the closet and opened it.
Jade: "Wait, mom, no."
Cocoa: "See? There's just some clothes, some golf clubs, and a..."
She froze as the closet started to glow.
Cocoa: "A bright orange light."
Kids: "NO!" "Don't go near it!" "Stop"
She starts getting sucked in to the portal. We all start screaming in terror. I try to go help but Shaka grabs my waist. She couldn't pull herself out and she got sucked in. As the door slammed behind her by itself, we all keep screaming. WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO?!

(Part 2)
(not spell checked)

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