Remember When Cocoa Did It All?

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I was in Jade's room just talking when Ami ran in. We both turned to look at her and gasped.
Jade: "Ami! What did you do?!"
Ami: "M'Dear messed up my hair and mom was busy so I tried to cut my own bangs. Now I'm a monster with no help!"
She said covering her cut up bangs. Before we could find a way to respond without offending her we heard someone whistle. We all looked at each other shocked and took off running downstairs.
All: "Fire! Fire!"
Shaka: "Everybody, save yourselves!"
Cocoa: "No- No fire! But it is an emergency. Jess Simms is here. I need to get myself together, I have to finish this order, and I need all of you to focus and get ready."

Moz: "Don't worry, babe. I got you."
M'Dear: "Okay, me too. Kids, let's get out of your mother's way and let her handle her business."
She took a step and landed on a skateboard. She starts doing all of these moves on the skateboard that I never would have thought she'd be able to do, but it's M'Dear and she's good at a lot of things. She runs into the island and we all run over to her.
Shaka: "M'Dear, you just did a 360!"
M'Dear: "What can't I do? Except stand up...Help me! I threw my back out. GET THAT THING OUT THE WAY!"
Shaka kicks it out the way and helps her start walking towards her room.
M'Dear: "Threw my back out. Oh Moz!"
She said groaning in pain. After Shaka and Moz got M'Dear to the bed, we all went to get ready. Well, except for me, I'm just observing the interview. I helped Mazzi choose an outfit before we both went downstairs to get some juice.
Y/n: "Yeah I just assumed that-"
??: "Excuse me. Hello! I'm Jess Simms. Do you have any idea where Cocoa is?"
Mazzi and I paused and turned around.
Mazzi: "No ma'am, but I can find her and give her your message."
She smiled. I just took a sip out of my juice box and looked between the two.
Jess: "Yes, it's just that I have enough B-roll and need to get rolling along with this interview. Can you let Cocoa know for me?"
I was trying not to laugh at her corny joke.
Y/n: "Yes ma'am."
I said as Mazzi and I walked passed her to walk upstairs. We both looked at each other and burst out laughing. We went into Cocoa and Moz's room and saw her sitting at a table finishing her necklaces.
Mazzi: "Hey mom, that lady says she has enough B-roll. When will you be ready?"
She just sighed.
Mazzi: "O-kay...I'm just gonna leave."
He said slowly walking backwards.
Y/n: "You know, Mrs. McKellan, if you want me to...I can finish the necklaces while you get ready."
Cocoa: "Are you sure? I'm supposed to be the women who does it all and I-"
Y/n: "You already are the women who does it all, but right now you need to get everyone ready."
I said walking towards her with a smile.
Cocoa: "Shaka really chose right when he found you."
She aid standing up from the table.
Y/n: "Well- I- I guess"
I said trying to hide my smile and sitting down. She explained to me how to polish them before she began getting the rest of the kids ready. First was Ami. She was brushing Ami's newly styled bangs, but Ami didn't like how it looked. She grabbed a bag and put it over her head and ran out the room. Cocoa sighed and shrugged her shoulders before going to put a wig on Ami instead. Next was Mazzi who she decided to use a lint roller on. She started on his clothes but then began to roll his hair instead. I just laughed. While she waited for Jade to come in she tried to work on the necklaces, but I wouldn't let her.
Y/n: "No Mrs. McKellan."
I said laughing a bit while Jade walked in. She just wanted a little help touching up her makeup. Cocoa dried her under eyes a little bit before taking some blush and adding some lightly to Jade's face. She smiled and tapped under her chin. Next she resewed Moz's pants while I started packing up the necklaces. Next Shaka walked in wearing the same clothes as earlier. Cocoa and I both sniffed the air. I turned around as she lifted his armpits and scrunched her nose.
Y/n: "Ewww"
Cocoa: "No, go! Go! Go shower, now!"
Then Cocoa finally got herself ready in this really pretty reddish pink dress. She was in the mirror fixing the dress a bit while I picked up the necklaces that were now packed in their FEDEX boxes.
Y/n: "You look pretty."
Cocoa: "Thank you Y/n. Now let's go catch the FEDEX guy."
She said as we both walked out the room. I jogged down the stairs and saw Jade.
Jade: "Hurry! He's coming!"
I passed the boxes to her and she walked to the FEDEX delivery guy and handed the boxes over. I saw Deon walk up to Jade on the porch so I walked inside to give them their privacy. I watched Jess and her crew set up while Cocoa watched Jade from the window.
Jess: "Are you going to be in the interview too?"
She said looking at me. I quickly shook my head.
Y/n: "Oh nooo. I'm just here to help them get ready and watch."
She just nodded.
Cocoa: "Okay guys, come down! Jess, I think we're ready."
Jess: "Oh! Great."
Moz came downstairs first. He paused at the bottom of the steps to essentially show off his outfit. Then he walked over to Cocoa while Ami came down next. Then Mazzi came down and did a spin. I just laughed from behind the cameras.
Jess: "Yes, what a beautiful family. This is gonna be awesome guys. All right, Lena, start rolling."

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