Remember the Story M'dear Hates To Tell?

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We had been completing clues for a while now and Mazzi had the next one.
Mazzi: "Okay, locate the snake that protects the sarcophagus. As it sheds its skin, use the skin to tie a knot."
Y/n: "Tie a knot with snake skin? Will this ever end? I wanna go home. But then if I go home all I'll be thinking about is my problems."
I said sitting down and letting some tears fall.
Y/n: "Mazzi why didn't you just tell me?"
I said crying a little harder. He came and sat next to me.
Mazzi: "I couldn't. I also didn't know how. Shaka said he wanted to tell you first before anyone else. He must've forgot he didn't tell you."
Y/n: "Ya think?! He played in my face Mazzi! He told me he loved me.... the whole time he was with that Morgan girl. Everyone knew and nobody cared about how I would feel!"
Mazzi grabbed my hand.
Mazzi: "Y/n, you know I cared about how you would feel. I almost told you so many times."
Y/n: "Mazzi how long...."
Mazzi: "What?"
Y/n: "How long have they been together?"
He sighed.
Mazzi: "Since before you came back on Halloween....but they weren't official that long."
I shook my head.
Y/n: "He acted like he was so happy to have me back. He was doing things that "friends" or "family friends" wouldn't do. Not only was he playing me, but he was somewhat cheating on Morgan."
Mazzi: "Y/n, he doesn't deserve you. I know that you guys have been on and off for years, but he rarely ever treated you right. It may have felt like it, but it was even to the point where your own mom didn't like him. I know he's my brother, but that's why I'm saying something because he is my brother and I know him. You definitely deserve better."
He took his hands and wiped my tears. We both just looked at each other for a second. I don't know why. Before we knew it though we leaned in and kissed each other. When I came to my senses I leaned back and quickly stood up walking off.
Y/n: "What the heck is going on?! I'm so sorry!"
He looked at me.
Mazzi: "I don't know-"
Both: "Did we just- I didn't mean to-"
Y/n: "EUHHH"
I said wiping my lips. Mazzi just smiled a little bit.
Y/n: "Mazzi why are you smiling?"
I said wiping more tears.
Mazzi: "I may or may not have been hiding a secret crush on you for a little."
I stopped pacing as tears were still falling.
Y/n: "What...."
I looked at him.
Y/n: "What are you talking about?"
Mazzi got up and stood in front of me.
Mazzi: "It was right before you left..."
All of the moments started to hit me.

Mazzi: "How are you and him?"
He said opening up my sketchbook.
Y/n: "Nothing."
I said filling a bag with clothes. I stopped and looked at him. He turned the book around and raised his eyebrows.
Mazzi: "This page is depressing and you drew yourself alone and surrounded by what I think is darkness. Then you drew a picture of you and Shaka walking holding hands but it's drawn from behind. Seems like you're forgiving him to me."
He said tilting his head to the side. He didn't seem to happy about Shaka and I making up.
Y/n: "What's wrong?"
He shook his head.
Mazzi: "Nothing"

Y/n: "I know you're a sweetheart, but you letting her continue is making her worse."
I said which made him laugh.
Mazzi: "Whatever. Being a sweetheart is what makes me attractive."

Mazzi: "Woah, Y/n where are you going?"
Mazzi said walking over to me.
Y/n: "Home. Clearly I'm not wanted here."
He looked at me knowing what I was talking about.
Mazzi: "But I want you here."

Y/n: "Oh Mazzi, I think I gave you the wrong idea. You know I love Shaka. And this kiss or whatever was the heat of the moment."
I said backing up from him.
Mazzi: "I know I know it's just-"
Y/n: "No"
I wiped my tears.
Y/n: "This didn't happen, and you don't like me."
He sighed.
Mazzi: "Yeah....yeah I understand."
He shook his head.
Mazzi: "But it's true. The part about me liking you."
Y/n: "Mazzi what are you gonna do?! Tell Shaka? Tell anyone else that I don't like you back? Mazzi it's not going to happen. And you know I'm vulnerable right now, you didn't have to tell me that."
Mazzi: "But you kissed me back-"
Daniel: "Guys! It's me, Daniel!"
Y/n: "Is the door lock fixed? Please get me out!"
I said quickly walking to the door.
Daniel: "Well n-no. Your favorite uncle is starving. Can you spot me for lunch?"
Mazzi: "How can we give you money when we're locked in here?"
Y/n: "Daniel just stick your fingers under the door."
Daniel: "Oh! Okay! You see em?"
He said sticking them under the door. I stomped on his hands.
Y/n: "Don't come back until you get the door unlocked!"
I said crossing my arms. Mazzi just laughed at me.
Y/n: "This situation isn't funny."
I said sniffling and sitting down.
Y/n: "It must be mercury retrograde cause the McKellan boys have lost their minds."
I said covering my face.

(Not Spell Checked)

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