Remember My Funny Valentine?

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We finally got out at DeLoatch's and I took a deep breath. Mazzi looked at me.
Mazzi: "Are you okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah, just... breathing"
I said lying. It was going to be hard for me to see Shaka with another girl. I think Mazzi knew that too. He grabbed my hand.
Mazzi: "You'll be okay. Just act like it's just me and you. Who cares what he's doing?"
He said rubbing his thumb on my hand.
Y/n: "Yeah, you're right."
I said as we walked into the restaurant.
Jeb: "So, what do you think, Ms. McKellan?"
Ami: "Delightful. But just as I thought, we're the best-looking people here."
Y/n: "Always"
I said giving her a high five.
Jeb: "We woke up like this."
Ami: "Flawless."
We all laughed. Daniel walked from where I assume was the kitchen and saw us.
Daniel: "Oh! Well I'm glad you guys could make it. Uh here, let me show you to your tables."
I watched Daniel sit Mr. Jeb and Ami first before he argued with another waiter. Then he sat us at a table not too far from the other two. Mazzi pulled out a chair for me.
Y/n: "Thank you!"
Mazzi: "My pleasure."
He said sitting down. I should've thought before I sat on that side of the table because I had a clear view of Shaka and Morgan. I saw them both look at each other and then Shaka turned away to put some chapstick on. I shook my head slightly and looked at the menu. When I peeked back up I saw both of them leaning in. I tried to look at Mazzi to ignore their moment, but it didn't matter. Before they could connect lips, our waiter tripped and accidentally dropped a ton of plates. As they shattered, both me and Morgan turned to look at him. Ami, Jeb, Mazzi, and I watched as Daniel argued with our waiter.
Daniel: "I'm gonna have to take that out your check."
Waiter: "You were the one that told me to hurry! And how did you become manager anyway? You don't know what you're doing Dan."
Daniel: "Dan? Dan? It's Daniel to you. Now, it is clear that you are not respecting my authority, so if you want to keep your job, I suggest you put some respect on my name."
The waiter took his name tag off.
Waiter: "Okay, Mr. Daniel. Respect this."
He threw the name tag at Daniel and walked out.
Daniel gasps before looking around.
Daniel: "No worries. Everything is under control."
We hear more dishes crashing and I wince. He quickly walks off into the kitchen. I look at Mazzi.
Y/n: "Poor Daniel."
Mazzi: "What do you mean? That's just typical Daniel."
Y/n: "That doesn't mean I don't want him to be successful for once."
I said shrugging. He nodded. I had forgotten all about Shaka and Morgan for the moment.

~Time Skip~

Mazzi had kept me distracted for a while. He's been making me laugh and engage in conversation too. And whenever I would slightly peek past him he would grab my hand and motion at his eyes. I would just nod and smile. We were in the middle of talking about funny moments we've had in the past when a female chef walked out of the kitchen. Mazzi looked first which caused me to turn around and look too.
Chef: "Daniel, you slammed the door on the oven and the soufflés fell."
Daniel: "I was checking on them, and I wanted to make sure the door was closed tight. Now, don't blame me for your flimsy soufflés."
Chef: "Ohhh, now you're a pastry chef?"
Daniel: "I could be. You sprinkle powdered sugar on a cookie and now you're Mrs. Fields?"
The chef scoffed and took her apron off.
Chef: "I can't work like this. Good luck with the bananas flambé."
She threw the apron at him and then walked past him.
Chef: "Everyone, the exit is over here. You'll need it when he sets the place on fire."
She storms out of the restaurant leaving us all a little shocked.
Daniel: "We all know how.... 'cause....oh god"
He said quickly walking to the kitchen again.
Jeb: "That boy. M'Dear and I are gonna have to support him for the rest of his life. What's he gonna do when we're gone?"
Ami: "I don't know. I'm gonna have my hands full with Jade."
I shake my head and sigh while looking back at Mazzi.
Y/n: "He's trying..."
As I looked up I saw Shaka leaning in to kiss Morgan. Mazzi noticed and turned around too. Shaka wasn't paying attention and kissed the bread that Morgan was about to eat. I tried to hold in my laughter as they leaned away. I couldn't help but laugh. I guess Shaka heard me because he looked over at me and I quickly covered my mouth. Both Mazzi and I turned and looked at each other.
Y/n: "He heard me."
We both started laughing again.

~Time Skip~

Mazzi and I had almost finished eating by now.
Mazzi: "That was great!"
Y/n: "I know right! Daniel actually did really well."
Daniel: "How was it?"
Y/n: "I gotta say Daniel, it was soooo good!"
Mazzi: "Yeah it tasted great."
Daniel: "Great to hear."
He said smiling and taking some dirty plates back to the kitchen.
Mazzi: "Hey, do you wanna go dance?"
Y/n: "Sure. Let me just finish this."
I said taking a bite.
As I was eating, I overheard Ami and Mr. Jeb.
Ami: "Uh-oh...That looks like the fire dessert the chef warned us about."
I froze mid bite and look at Daniel as he pushed the cart by.
Jeb: "Get your coat. We're getting out of here."
He and Ami got up and walked over to us.
Jeb: "Come on."
We all looked at Daniel light the dessert on fire. Mr. Jeb held Ami back. Daniel actually did the dessert correctly. I smiled and started clapping like everyone else. Ami and Mr. Jeb went and sat back down.
Y/n: "I know he could do it the whole time."
I said shrugging.
Mazzi: "Yeah yeah... come on."
He said standing up and pulling my chair out for me. He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the dance floor. I laughed.
Y/n: "Lord, Mazzi, you waste no time."
We started dancing together not too far from Shaka and Morgan. I didn't really care about them anymore, my night had gone just fine and it seemed like fate didn't want Shaka to kiss Morgan so I'm chilling. As we're dancing I see Jade walk in and go talk to Elvis. Before I knew it, they were up dancing together too. I smiled at him because this is his dream. I even saw her give him a kiss on the cheek. After dancing for a while, we all decide to take pictures before going back to our tables. Once again Mazzi and I were just chatting it up when I saw Shaka and Morgan both go under their table. You remember when I said that fate wasn't allowing them to kiss. Well, I may have reversed it. I tried to push it to the back of my mind when they both came up smiling. I made it through the rest of the night even though that moment bothered me. I think Mazzi knew something was bothering me, but he hadn't seen them go under the table and didn't know. He walked me up my porch.
Mazzi: "Hey, thank you for going with me."
Y/n: "No problem, I had a lot of fun tonight.
He sighed.
Mazzi: "Yeah, but I know what you really want."
He said giving me a hug.
Mazzi: "I'm not the brother that you want."
He said smiling and walking home.
Y/n: "Uhh, bye Mazzi?"
I said waving. No way he just left by saying that. I mean it is true, but it's hard for me to express that to Mazzi.


After tonight I've realized that Y/n and I are better off as friends. I can make her happy and laugh, but there's only so much I can do without her thinking about Shaka. If Shaka keeps her happy, then I'm willing to live without being in a relationship with her. I walked in my room and sat on my bed with a sigh. It's going to be hard, but I have to fight the feeling. Not too long later, Shaka burst into the room.
Shaka: "Mazzi."
He walked up to me.
Shaka: "Why did you take Y/n on a date, let alone at DeLoatch's?"
Mazzi: "Why does it matter? You have a girlfriend right?"
I said tilting my head. Shaka furrowed his eyebrows.
Shaka: "Y/n told you about that?"
Mazzi: "Of course she did. You were about to make her mad right after she chose peace."
I said smiling.
Shaka: "Ain't nothing funny."
I stood up.
Mazzi: "Yeah, there is something funny. It's you! I knew I should've just told Y/n about Morgan a long time ago. You know that that girl loves you Shaka and you just keep hurting her!"
His face softened.
Mazzi: "Did you kiss Morgan?"
Shaka: "What?"
Mazzi: "Did you kiss Morgan at DeLoatch's?"
He nodded slowly.
Mazzi : "I think Y/n saw or knows or something. After that, she started to act weird."
I stepped up to him.
Mazzi: "If I were you, I'd stay away from Y/n and focus on Morgan. She doesn't wanna be around you."
Shaka: "SHUT UP!"
He said pushing me back.
Mazzi: "DON'T PUSH ME!"
I said pushing him back.
Jeb: "Hey hey! HEY!"
He said pushing us apart.
Jeb: "What is going on?!"
I furrowed my eyebrows.
He said looking between us. Shaka looked at me hurt.
Shaka: "I broke up with her because I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n."
Jeb: "Boys, y'all are arguing over Y/n?"
Mazzi: "We shouldn't be.  And I don't care, you need to stay away from her."
Shaka: "But Mazzi that's the whole problem, it's hard for me not to."
Mazzi: "Well it's hard for me not to like her, so I guess we both have a problem."
I said walking out of the room.

(Not Spell Checked)

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