Remember When Cocoa Did It All?

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It's been two weeks since Shaka stayed over that night. We've been gradually starting over too. I've tried to devote my time to both Mazzi and Shaka, but it has been hard. Mazzi says that he's over his little crush, but I can tell something's still bothering him and it's probably that. Right now I'm in the boys' room at the McKellan household just laying on Maze's bed. Shaka was on his bed fixing his skateboard while Mazzi was writing at the table. Jade walks into the room with this big ole pinkish purple teddy bear.
Jade: "Hey. You guys want this?"
I sat up.
Mazzi: "Didn't Deon win that for you at the county fair?"
Jade: "Yeah. We used to call it 'our baby', but now that I'm breaking up with him, I just realized how ugly it is."
She threw it on Shaka's bed.
Shaka: "Well, I guess he takes after his mama."
Y/n: "Hush Shaka!"
I said standing up to go sit next to him.
Cocoa: "You're breaking up with Deon?"
She says walking into the room.
Jade: "Oh, yeah. We always have to do his activities, and he's never interested in doing anything I want to do."
Shaka: "Well, in his defense, the stuff you're into is usually pretty corny."
He said standing up. I rolled my eyes because I had just moved to sit next to him.
Jade: "Oh okay. Like sunset hayrides and skating in the park? The things you do with Y/n?"
I smiled and looked away. What? They both sounded fun to me.
Shaka: "Are you calling me corny?"
Mazzi stood up.
Mazzi: "If you were any cornier, we could pour milk on you and eat you for breakfast."
We all laughed a little bit.
Shaka: "You right, you right."
He grabs my hand and makes me stand up from the bed.
Shaka: "But just to make Y/n happy."
He said interlocking our fingers. I just smiled while Jade and Cocoa said aww.
Cocoa: "Good for you Shaka. Healthy relationships involve compromise, and if Deon's not willing to do that for you Jade, then you're making the right decision."
Before any of us can say anything else, Ami yells for Cocoa. She quickly walks out of the room. Jade sighs before walking out the door.
Mazzi: "Hey come on. Put your shoes on so we can go hoop."
He walks out the door leaving me and Shaka alone. I put both of my hands on his face.
Y/n: "Just to make me happy huh?"
I said rubbing my thumbs lightly on his cheek.
Shaka: "I would do anything to help get you back."
I removed my hands and smiled.
Shaka: "Are you coming with us?"
He said sitting on the edge of his bed to put his shoes on.
Y/n: "Sure"
I said going to grab mine. While I'm still trying to find my other shoe, Shaka tries to slide one shoe on and we hear a cracking noise. I look at him and he has a disgusted look. He pulls his foot out of the shoe and sees a broken egg on his sock and shoe. He flips the shoe upside down and the rest of the egg falls out.
Y/n: "Ewww"
Mazzi: "Gotcha!"
He said jumping back into the room.
Y/n: "Mazzi, why did you do that?"
Mazzi: "It doesn't matter-"
Shaka: "Oh yeah? Well if you want war, then war it shall be"
Mazzi: "I will savor my victory over your bones. So let it be written."
Shaka: "So let it be done."
They said walking up to each other and staring in each other's eyes. I walk between them and push them apart.
Y/n: "Come on guys. You know you have that interview today-"
Mazzi: "We'll be fine."
He said walking out. Shaka grabbed my hand to leave.
Y/n: "Please. Don't ruin your Mom's day."
Shaka: "I won't do anything around that time, but before that... it's fair game."
He said as we walked out of the room.

~Time Skip~

I had stopped at my house before I went back over to the McKellans' house. I walked into the boys room and only saw Mazzi setting up his phone. Well, I also saw the scary looking bear on Shaka's bed, but I ignored it.
Y/n: "Hey, have you seen Shaka? This is the last place I'm checking."
Mazzi: "No, but I'm about to go live to sing if you want to stay."
He said sitting at his keyboard. I thought for a moment before I shrugged and sat next to him. He started the live.
Mazzi: "Hey guys! Today I'm singing and Y/n is here to watch so here we go."
I looked at the comments. Some were saying hi, some were saying I was pretty. I smiled and mouthed hi and thank you while Mazzi sang. Then Mazzi got to one part where he looked at me.
Mazzi: "🎶Girl your smile is like a rainbow, so pretty and bright🎶"
Before I could really react, we both heard a noise and turned around. We didn't see anything so we shrugged at each other and turned back around. I read the comments and people were saying that we looked cute together. I was assuming because I smiled at him while he was singing. I just ignored it as he continued.
Mazzi: "🎶You're my lucky star girl, if loving you is wrong I don't wanna be...🎶"
He saw something moving through the phone camera and I heard a noise. We both quickly turned around and saw that the bear had fell over. We both laughed.
Y/n: "The bear just fell over."
Mazzi: "Man you guys, my mind is playing tricks on me. Where was I?"
He said re-finding his finger placement.
Mazzi: "🎶You're my lucky star girl, if loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right-🎶"
I tapped his shoulder.
Y/n: "Wait! They said look behind you..."
We both turned and saw the bear standing up. We both screamed while the bear tackled Mazzi to the ground. Before I could go grab the bear, it stood up on its own and pulled its head off. That's when it was revealed to be Shaka. My mouth just dropped.
Shaka: "Check and mate, fool!"
He said twerking in the suit before running out the door. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. Mazzi sat up and looked around while I laughed. He quickly stood up and grabbed his phone. He was still on live and the comments were laughing. He scoffed and ended the live. He looked back at me laughing, unamused. I quickly stopped.
Mazzi: "Were you in on this?"
Y/n: "No I was at home and-"
Mazzi: "Whatever. Now I have to get him back."
He said walking out of the room mad.
Y/n: "Wait but Mazzi-"

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