Remember the Story M'dear Hates To Tell?

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Mazzi and I are still locked in the Macambo room together. All in one day I was told that Shaka had a girlfriend the whole time, was heartbroken, got locked in an escape room, kissed someone I didn't mean to, and Mazzi confessed that he had feelings for me. I just want to go home and process everything but you know the circumstances. Mazzi and I haven't talked to each other and it's been awkward. I don't know why he chose to tell me today when I'm hurt and vulnerable, literally hours after I found out the person I love may not love me back anymore. Mazzi came and sat next to me and I just looked at him, then I looked away.
Mazzi: "Y/n, you can't ignore me forever. We're literally locked in this room together."
I shook my head.
Mazzi: "I don't get what the problem is. I mean you already rejected me and I get it."
Y/n: "That's the thing Mazzi, you don't get it!"
I said looking at him. He jumped a little bit at my sudden outburst.
Y/n: "After all that has happened today, you thought that it would be a great idea to tell me your feelings while I was crying over somebody else. Do you know how much extra that put on me? And you're supposed to be the considerate one."
Mazzi: "But I am the considerate one. Everyone makes mistakes."
Y/n: "Yeah...and my mistake was coming over to y'all's house today."
I said crossing my arms and looking away from him again. He sighed at what I had just said. I don't want to make him feel bad, but I just want him to know what he did. He got up and started pacing. I figured he was thinking about something that he could say back. He stopped in front of me.
Mazzi: "Look I'm sorry Y/n. My timing was really really bad, but in all honesty I don't have that much experience with love and expressing it and stuff. Yeah, I can express it to those close to me, but I mean crush wise. I wasn't trying to add more to your stress today, it just happened."
I thought for a moment. Do I really want to forgive him that fast, or will it make him like me more? It's Mazzi though, so I sighed.
Y/n: "It's okay I guess."
He smiled a bit before Daniel burst into the room.
Daniel: "Whoo! Daniel to the rescue! Everything's under control. I found the key."
Y/n: "Excuse me? We were trapped in here because you misplaced the key?!"
I said trying to get around Mazzi to attack Daniel.
Mazzi: "You said it was a mechanical error!"
Daniel: "Well...i-it could've been. But don't sweat it fam, okay? I'm not charging you for the extra time."
Y/n: "Yeah, don't sweat it huh? Can you see if I left my phone over there by that chair?"
Daniel goes to look as Mazzi and I walk to the door.
Daniel: "Ain't no chair, ov- wait Y/n, I don't see a phone."
We slammed the door shut.
Mazzi: "You know how it works uncle. You just have to"
Mazzi,Y/n: "solve the puzzle to find the key."
We said laughing and walking away. M'Dear was waiting for us in the parking lot.
M'Dear: "Did y'all have fun?"
I looked at Mazzi and then back at M'dear.
Y/n: "I guess you can say that."
On the way home, all three of us stopped for ice cream. When we finally got back to our houses I hopped out the car.
Mazzi: "Y/n, are you coming over?"
I looked at him.
Y/n: ""
He sighed.
Mazzi: "Okay, I get it."
Y/n: "Bye Mazzi"
Mazzi: "Bye"
I walked over to my house and rung the doorbell.
My mom opened the door shocked at how red my eyes were from crying and wiping them.
Candy: "Y/n?! What happened?!"
My eyes started to fill back up with tears. I didn't even know I had tears left.
Y/n: "So much..."

(These chapters are kinda short but that's because it's setting the plot up for the future 👀
Also not spell checked)

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