Remember When the Trick Wasn't a Treat?

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Nobody's POV

The McKellans were waiting inside the house as it poured down rain. The kids were not only waiting for the time to put on their costumes, but they were also waiting for Y/n to come back from her Dad's. He had heard about what her mom did to her and said that she could stay with him instead of the McKellans. The adults had no idea what Candy had been doing, but since then, they've all forgiven Candy and believe that she's bettered her ways. They hadn't seen Y/n since a couple days after her mom came home that day. They didn't even see her at school. Anyway, Mazzi's phone dinged.
Mazzi's: "Finally! It's time to get our costumes on."
Ami: "Yeah!"
She said standing up.
Ami: "Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me candy, you deadbeat."
Moz: "Uh, when did my sweet little girl turn into Travis Scott?"
Cocoa: "Forget it kids. It's pouring outside. There's no way you can trick or treat tonight. I'm sorry."
Shaka: "What's with all the negativity? Winners never lose and quitters never win. Anything worth having is worth fighting for, cause in this family we never give up."
Ami,Mazzi: "Yeah!"
Cocoa: "Nope, not happening."
She said without thinking.
Shaka: "Okay."
He said as the three kids threw their hands in the air. He went to the kitchen and watched as Candy and Roman came in. As they showed Cocoa and Moz what they would be learning in the next salsa class, Shaka thought about Y/n. She was supposed to come back today.
Shaka: "Where's Y/n?"
Candy: "She's on her way from her dad's. She'll be here soon, but until then, she sends her love."
Mazzi stopped what he was doing and walked over.
Mazzi: "Oooooh, loooove!"
Shaka lightly punched Mazzi's shoulder.
Shaka: "So immature. Y/n and I are able to maintain a purely platonic relationship."
Ami waves her hand at Shaka while Mazzi shakes his head. Shaka turns and walks into the parlor and comes back with his hands full.
Shaka: "Luckily, I'm always prepared. A Ouija board."
Jade: "I'm down to play! I've always wanted to see if it lives up to the hype."
She grabs it and all the kids walk to the table.
M'Dear: "Okay. I'm heading for church."
Candy: "On halloween?"
M'Dear: "Especially halloween. You have to stay prayed up to keep evil at bay, and—"
She looks at the kids and gasps, then she starts speaking in tongues.
M'Dear: "The devil board? Who brought this tool of sin into my house?"
Shaka: "Oh it was Mazzi!"
He said pointing at him.
Jade: "We're gonna see if we can make contact with some spirits."
M'Dear: "If you don't get that thing out of my house, you gon make contact...WITH MY BELT."
M'Dear puts some oven mitts on and grabs a trash bag.
Jade: "Ouija boards aren't real M'Dear. It's just a game."
M'Dear exhaled aggressively and grabbed the game to put in the trash bag.
M'Dear: "Messing around with the occult. That can open a portal for demons to enter this house."
Mazzi: "Oh no. I don't do demons, ghosts, goblins, or Lifetime movies. We get it! Men suck!"
The adults on the couch laughed at him.
M'Dear: "This thing cannot stay inside or outside my house. Go and put it in the neighbor down the street's trash can. You know, the one with the confederate flag on his yard."
Shaka: "But it's pouring outside."
M'Dear: "I don't care. And don't you touch anything until you wash your hands in the BLOOD OF JESUS!"
Shaka: "Wait, can I get that on Amazon?"
Jade: "Oh my gosh. You can! Come here."


My dad dropped me off at the McKellans house after I had put my stuff back at my mom's house. I haven't seen anybody or really talked to anybody other than my mom since I left. I didn't know how everyone would react to me coming back but as I walk up to the door, that's all I can think about. I closed my umbrella and shook the water off of it. As I lifted my hand to knock, the door flew open and there stood Shaka with a trash bag.
Y/n: "Uhhh...heyyy"
He dropped the bag and gave me a tight hug.
Shaka: "Y/n!"
Y/n: "Hi Shaka!"
I said smiling. I could see the rest of the kids run over and join the hug.
Mazzi: "Y/n! You're back!"
Jade: "Don't ever leave again. You left me with them."
They all let go.
Ami: "Where's your dad?"
Y/n: "He was only dropping me off. Trust me, my mom and dad in the same room is not a good mix. Anyways, let's go inside it's cold!"
I said as I followed them all in except Shaka who continued to take that trash bag out.
Y/n: "Hi everybody!"
Adults: "Y/n!"
Y/n: "Hey mom."
I said giving her a hug.
Jade: "Come on you guys, let's go to my room."
While we waited for Shaka to get back, we all kind of caught up. When Shaka walked in the room Jade sat up.
Jade: "I'm so bored. I wish M'Dear hadn't thrown out the Ouija board."
Y/n: "Ouija board?"
Jade: "Yeah. It would've been fun to talk to dead people."
I looked at Shaka as he opened Jade's window.
Y/n: "Shaka it's raining."
He looked at me.
Shaka: "One moment, please, children."
He said pulling a rope attached to a stick. I furrowed my eyebrows.
Mazzi: "What are you doing?"
Shaka: "Saving....Halloween"
He said pulling the Ouija board out of the trash bag. Jade jumped up excited.
Y/n: "That's what you had in that bag..."
I'm not feeling it. I can do a lot of stuff like break ribs, take multiple breakups, endure abuse, and die and come back (I've been through A LOT) but I do NOT do demons or dead people.
Ami: "But M'Dear said, 'Not in my house.'"
She said as we both stood up.
Shaka: "This is the attic. Yes, it's a hair-thin technicality, but I live for those."
He said smiling and setting the game up.
Y/n: "But if M'Dear said-"
Jade: "Ah! What M'Dear doesn't know won't hurt her. And if y'all tell her, I'll hurt you."
Ami leaned onto the bed.
Ami: "We both know we could take you."
I laughed a little.
Ami: "That said, message received."
We both started walking towards the door.
Shaka: "Y/n wait!"
He said getting up quickly and walking to me.
Shaka: "Stay. You've been gone for so long plus M'Dear doesn't have to know."
I looked at him.
Y/n: "I don't care about that. I'm scared Shaka. I don't do demons or ghosts, nor do I want to talk to them or bring them here."
I shook my head. He grabbed both of my hands.
Shaka: "You'll be okay cause I'm here. They are too but anyway. Besides it's just a game. Please?"
I looked down at my hands and then smiled at him.
Shaka: "Okay fine, but only cause you asked."
He let go of one hand and pulled me to kneel beside him.
Mazzi: "Guys...I'm not sure this is—"
Shaka: "Oh, is wittle Mazzi a wittle scared?"
I hit his side.
Mazzi: "I'm not falling for that toxic-masculinity pressure."
Shaka looked at him with the 'oh really' face.
Mazzi: "Now, how does this thing work?"
He says in a super low voice.

(Part 1)

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