Remember When the Trick Wasn't a Treat?

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We all ran back downstairs in shock. We actually DID open a portal. 
Jade: "Dad! Dad, are you in there?"
She said as we all ran to the TV.
Moz: "Yes, and I'm not alone."
Candy: "Help us!"
Roman: "Help us."
My mom, Roman and Cocoa were now also in the TV screen.
Y/n: "Mom!"
I said as we all sat on the couch. 
Cocoa: "Moz, this better not be one of your home improvement projects gone wrong again."
Moz starts pushing everyone.
Moz: "Excuse-- excuse me, excuse me. Why.. is everything.. MY FAULT?"
Roman: "Candy, if we're gonna disappear into the underworld, you need to know....I love you."
Shaka, Ami, and Mazzi look at me while my mouth drops.
Candy: "What? Can we talk about this when we're not trapped in a TV?"
Daniel: "What's all the commotion? Can an uncle get a spa day in someone else's house?"
He said walking down the stairs in a red robe and face mask. Mazzi runs and grabs his arm.
Mazzi: "Help us! The Ouija board opened a portal and our parents are trapped in the TV!"
Daniel: "What?! Well, well. If it isn't Moses 'I've decided to retire from the limelight' McKellan. Admit it bruh. You're an attention hog."
Moz: "Loud and wrong as usual Dan--"
He wipes the glass.
Moz: "Is that my bathrobe?"
Daniel: "Uhhh"
Cocoa: "Are you using my very expensive sea-salt mask?"
Daniel: "Uh, no, of course not. It's Moz's. His works better on my T-Zone."
All of a sudden, the front door swings open and the lights turn off. We all start screaming. Ami jumps in Jade's lap and I hide behind Shaka. We can see a figure walk in the door.
Ami: "I'm scared! Protect us, Uncle Daniel!"
Daniel grabs Shaka from in front of me, so I duck down behind the chair Jade and Ami are in. 
Daniel: "Who's out there?! 'Cause you don't want none of Shaka!"
Shaka: "No take him! Take him! He doesn't have much to live for!"
The lights turn back on.
Elvis: "Trick or treat!"
We all look at him in disbelief. 
~Time Skip~
By now, Elvis and Daniel had changed back into their normal clothes.
Elvis: "Obviously the TV is a was station before they're sent to the underworld."
Daniel: "You mean Cleveland?"
My mom knocks on the TV.
Candy: "Excuse me? I'm tired of people talking about my hometown. Cleveland is a beautiful place to live."
Cocoa: "You ever go back?"
Candy: "Hell no! It's Cleveland."
Y/n: "It's also a beautiful place to leave."
Mazzi: "How do we fix this and save them?"
Elvis looks at us.
Elvis: "What time wa it when you invited evil into your home?"
Jade: "uhh around five o'clock."
Elvis: "The devil's happy hour."
He says sitting down with the rest of us.
Moz: "I feel strange. Something's happening."
We all look at the TV as Moz shows his hand which was now a green, demon looking hand. We all stand up in shock.
Cocoa: "Oh my god! Moz! Your hand!"
Shaka: "You're turning into a demon!"
Cocoa: "WE'RE DOOMED!"
Moz: "Help me!"
His voice starts to deepen and he reaches through the TV. We all start screaming. Shaka and Mazzi take off running, but Shaka knocks Mazzi over. I start running after Shaka not looking back.
Y/n: "Sorry Mazzi but I'm out!"
Mazzi: "Help me Uncle Daniel!"
Daniel: "I'll see you at the crossroads!"
He says jumping over Mazzi. Us kids all run into M'Dear's room. Elvis and Jade use heavy stuff to block the door.
Jade: "There. That should keep the demons out."
Ami: "Phew. Safe for now."
Mazzi: "Wait. We lost Uncle Daniel."
Shaka: "Don't worry. He probably just escaped on that bus he threw you under."
Jade: "I think he ran through the parlor."
Mazzi: "I'm still shivering. Dad's demon roar is gonna give me nightmares. I- I've never heard anything like it."
Shaka: "Bruh, I've heard you on the toilet. I think you might be part demon."
I pushed him off the bed.
Y/n: "How can you be joking right now? You're about to lose your parents and I'm about to lose my mom."
Elvis: "Don't worry. If y'all end up orphans, I'll get my folks to adopt you. Well, everybody except you Jade. My family doesn't do the 'sister-wife' thing....anymore."
Jade sighs.
Jade: "Oh Elvis. When are you gonna outgrow this silly crush?"
Elvis: "The day God erases your name from my heart."
Ami,Y/n: "Aww"
All of aa sudden there's a banging noise coming from upstairs. Then we can hear Daniel scream.
Kids: "Uncle Daniel!"
We start throwing all of the things off the door so that we can get out. When we get upstairs, he's in Cocoa and Moz's room.
Elvis: "We heard you screaming."
Daniel: "Yeah, I hit my finger with the hammer when I was closing off the portal."
Y/n: "What?"
Jade: "Um, but that'll trap our parents inside."
Daniel: "Yes, but if we sacrifice them, maybe Beelzebub will leave us alone.'
Shaka: "But there's still time to save them."
Daniel: "We can't take that risk-"
Y/n: "Oh yes we can!"
Daniel: "Now, you may not like it, but I am the adult here and the one in charge, so there's nothing you can do about it."
Shaka and I looked at each other with a smirk.
~Time Skip~
We tied Daniel to a chair using belts and towels.
Daniel: "I guess there is something you can do about it."
Jade: "We didn't want to have to do this, but you forced our hand."
Daniel: "I'm sorry, but if saving myself and dooming Moz to the underworld is wrong, I don't wanna be right."
Ami put a scarf around his neck.
Ami: "You're not right, but at least you can be pretty."
Daniel side eyes her.
Jade: "All right. So, what do we do now?"
Elvis: "We need someone who can go toe-to-toe with the forces of darkness."
Shaka: "Yeah. Somebody that the boogeyman checks his closet for."
We all heard the front door open.
M'Dear: "Hello? Anybody home?"
All: "M'DEAR!"
We all ran leaving Daniel tied to the chair. We all ran downstairs talking at the same time and trying to explain what's going on.
We all took a step back and got quiet.
M'Dear: "All right. Now, one at a time. What is goin' on?"
Jade: "Okay... remember when you told us to get rid of the Ouija board because it's a tool of the devil?"
M'Dear: "Yes."
Shaka: "Well, you'll be happy to know you were right."
Mazzi: "But less happy to know we opened a portal to the underworld."
M'Dear: "What?!"
Y/n: "It's Shaka's fault!"
He hit my arm.
Elvis: "Look!"
He pointed at the TV. 
Cocoa: "Help!"
All of the adults in the TV were now turning into a demon.
M'Dear: "Where's Moz?"
Moz comes back out, but now his face is a demon.
Moz: "M'Dear?? They got me M'Dear!"
M'Dear: "Moz!"
All of the adults on the screen are screaming and growling before the TV shuts off again.

(Not spell checked)

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