Remember My Funny Valentine?

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Today is the day before Valentine's day and I was bored. I really don't want to see Shaka, but I don't think he knows that I'm upset with him and I won't let that create a rift between me and the rest of the family. When I opened the door to their house I saw Jade storming up the stairs and Elvis was talking to Moz and Shaka. I walked over towards them.
Y/n: "Hey guys!"
Everyone: "Hey!"
Shaka: "Hey Y/n"
He said walking up to me.
Y/n: "Uh- back"
I said putting my hand up in front of him. He looked at me confused as I walked past him to see what Ami and Cocoa were doing.
Y/n: "Hey Elvis!"
He smiled at me.
Daniel: "What up party people? Now you are looking at the new manager of DeLoatch's, the trendiest steakhouse in all of Columbus. Especially now that Sizzler's out of business."
Jeb: "That's the fifth job you've had in six weeks."
Daniel: "Well, you know what they say, Pop. Fifth time's a charm."
Cocoa laughed.
Y/n: "I'm proud of you Daniel."
I said smiling.
Daniel: "Thank you Y/n."
Shaka: "How come you're being nice to everyone but me?"
I just rolled my eyes and looked off.
Daniel: "Hey, you know we're having a special Valentine's Day dinner tomorrow. Y'all should come. I could give you guys the family and friend's discount."
Elvis: "Ooh, Shaka, let's take our ladies on a double date."
Shaka: "Hey cool. Morgan loves discounted food. One of the many things we have in common."
I mocked him as he spoke and made faces where he couldn't see it. Ami saw and laughed.
Moz: "Daniel, how much of a discount are we talking about?"
Daniel: "2% mhm.. well it's actually 10%, but I pocket the leftover eight. Your boy's got a head for business."
Cocoa: "So wait a minute, you're taking our money?"
Daniel: "Oh well don't be mad. At least I'm keeping it in the family. That's right. We building generational wealth."
He started dancing while saying generational wealth.
Y/n: "See that's the type of stuff that gets you fired."
Shaka: "HA HA! That's a good one! Gimme some"
He said sticking his hand out for a high five. I just looked at him unamused.
Shaka: "O-kay"
He said dropping his hand.
Elvis: "What about you Y/n? What are you doing for Valentine's day?"
Y/n: "Oh, I don't know...probably stay home or whatever. You know my mom is most likely going to go out with Roman so..."
I said scratching my head. They all looked at me. I looked at all of them back.
Ami: "I don't believe that."
Y/n: "Yep, I'll be at my house, or whatever."
I said shrugging.
Y/n: "But anyways, I was just coming to see what was going on cause I was bored. I'll see y'all later."
I said grabbing one of Ami's cookies and walking to the door.
All: "Bye Y/n"
I went to my house and shut the door trying not to scream. I hit the door with my hands multiple times. Shaka's just so irritating and doesn't even think about what he's talking about. It makes me upset because I'm losing the feeling that I had for him. I don't want it to go away, but it is. As I was still hitting the door, my phone started ringing. I stopped hitting the door and was breathing hard. I slowly lifted my phone to see who it was and it was Mazzi. I answered it and lifted the phone to my ear.
Y/n: "Hello?"
Mazzi: "Y/n"
Y/n: "Yeah?"
Mazzi: "Look, I know that you're still in your 'I don't know what I want or what I believe' phase right now, and we haven't talked in a few days, but I have a question."
Y/n: "Yeah what is it?"
Mazzi: "Tomorrow is Valentine's day, right? And Daniel told me that they're having a discount thing at his job so, I was'd want to go to with me"
I sighed a little bit. At this point, I don't care anymore. Mazzi has treated me better than Shaka has and we were never together. I smiled a little bit as I walked up the stairs of my house.
Y/n: "Okay Mazzi. I'll go with you."
Mazzi: "Oh really? Okay!"
I don't think he was expecting me to say yes.
Y/n: "Yeah, what are you wearing?"
I said opening my window and then walking to my closet.
Mazzi: "It's like a dark blue suit that I haven't worn yet."
Y/n: "No red or pink?"
Mazzi: "Everybody's gonna wear those colors. We've gotta be different."
I just laughed a little.
Y/n: "If I'm thinking of the right suit, then I have a blue dress that matches it exactly."
Mazzi: "Okay cool"
I could tell he was smiling through the phone. As I pulled the dress out and laid it on my bed I heard voices outside my window.
Mazzi: "Okay so basically we'll ride with Ami and grandpa and we'll sit separately though..."
I kinda zoned out on what he was saying because I saw Shaka, Moz, and Cocoa on the McKellan porch.
Y/n: "Hey Mazzi...let me call you back..."
I said grabbing my phone from being held up by my shoulder to my ear.
Mazzi: "Yeah, okay bye"
He said as I hung up. I pulled my curtains in front of my window but left it open so I could still hear their conversation.
Shaka: "Morgan and I have been official for over a month and a half. So I think it's time we-"
Cocoa: "No! No no! It is not time. Honey, you're not ready! And I am definitely not ready. Tell him Moz. Not until college!"
Moz: "Why don't you let him tell us?"
I nodded in agreement.
Shaka: "I'm ready, but I've never kissed Morgan before."
Cocoa sighs deeply.
Cocoa: "Kiss! Way to overreact Moz."
She said hitting him.
Cocoa: "Now honey, are you sure Morgan wants to kiss you? Remember, you must always, always ask for a young lady's consent. Tell him Moz! Do I have to do everything?"
Moz: "No. Shaka and I discussed it."
Shaka: "Yeah. Morgan and I talked about it a couple of weeks ago and she gave me the green light, but my nervousness and gut feeling turned on the red light. It feels wrong."
Moz: "That's understandable. You'll be fine."
Cocoa: "I think I know what that gut feeling is."
Shaka: "What?"
Cocoa: "Y/n"
My eyebrows raised a little when I heard my name mentioned.
Shaka: "What does Y/n have to do with this?"
Cocoa: "Shaka, she was your first kiss! Y'all dated and broke up, AND almost got back together. Of course it's gonna feel wrong."
I shrugged and nodded. She is right.
Shaka: "Yeah, but with Y/n it was different. We had clicked different and our first one was for comfort."
I smiled remembering Shaka and I's first kiss. It was the day we had got racially profiled by the police and I was spending the night.

I'm still crying.
Y/n: "I can't get the image out of my mind. Them aiming guns at us....everything I try and think about leads me to it and it won't st-"
He lifts my chin up and kisses me.
Shaka: "Maybe that will help."
He gets up and leaves.
It did.

Cocoa shrugged.
Cocoa: "Just think about that for a second. Anyways, use this. You want to make sure your lips aren't dry. Or your elbows"
She said handing him some chapstick.
Shaka: "Elbows are involved?"
Cocoa: "No honey. It's just a good rule to live by."
I laughed a little.
Shaka: "But- How will I know when it's the right time?"
He sighed.
Shaka: "Cause with y/n everything was natural and I didn't care, but with Morgan it's different."
Moz: "You'll know. You'll see it in her eyes."
Shaka: "Got it. Now, which way do I tilt my head? Do I keep my eyes open or closed? Does someone's lip go on top, or do we just mash our mouths together like we're making guacamole?"
Cocoa: "Wow, you really just went with the flow with Y/n, didn't you?"
He smiled weakly and shrugged a little bit. I smiled and shook my head while walking away from my window. It feels good to know that it wasn't all forgotten.

(Not Spell Checked)

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