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The time soon came when we had to make our way to our common rooms which I was more than excited to see since it was going to be my home for seven years. As I stood up, I noticed Draco stood by the door, his eyes pierced into me.
"I think someone's waiting for you." Olivia smirked, standing up and pulling Billy away, "we'll see you up there."

I smiled and followed the two to the door where Draco pulled me aside.
"Mind if I walk you to your common room?" He smiled which I happily agreed to. I noticed Olivia and Billy smirking at us from in front.
"I'm a little sad you aren't in Slytherin, you know." Draco finally spoke as we made our way up some stairs.
"So am I," I sighed, "but we'll still see each other!"
"Of course we will." Draco smiled, "in fact, can you meet me after breakfast tomorrow?"
"I will." I smiled, realising I was now at my common room.
"See you tomorrow," the boy smiled, "goodnight."
"Night, Draco." I called, entering the room.

The room itself was beautiful. A glowing, golden room held by wooden pillars decorated in green vines. The walls were sculpted out of brick and some decorated also in vines, leaves and small, golden lights. I made my way over to my dorm, a large circular door leading me in. The door itself was wooden with a golden handle. Placing my hand upon it, the cold metal shifted with a click allowing me to walk in.

Just as the common room, the dorm was golden and decorated in vines and leaves. Black and yellow carpets, curtains, pillows and blankets were scattered around the room and on our four poster beds. Placed on mine was Jackson and my trunk lying next to him. My bed being the furthest to the right of five had Olivia besides it. The other girls weren't there when I entered but I was looking forward to seeing who they would be.

As I walked inside, Olivia gave a small smirk which I knew exactly why.
"So," she grinned, laying on her stomach in her bed, feet swinging in the air, "what'd he say?"
"He was just asking me to meet him after breakfast tomorrow." I smiled, walking over to my bed and throwing myself besides Jackson.
"Just be careful with him, yeah?" Olivia suddenly turned serious, glancing around almost to make sure no one was listening despite there only being us in the room.
"Why?" I laughed, hoping she was joking.
"I just hear his family are bad news. I mean they're all Slytherins, Maiya!"
"What does that have to do with anything?" I frowned.
"Well," Olivia spoke, sympathetically, "every bad wizard turned out to be Slytherin and that includes The Dark Lord and his followers! Every Death Eater was in Slytherin."
"That doesn't mean every Slytherin-" I began.
"Of course not!" Olivia interrupted, "I just mean that's how it is. Plus, Salazar prided his house on being pure blood wizards and I know for a fact that Draco's family is. Are yours wizards?"
"No..." I answered, feeling it were a strange question to ask.
"Does he know that?" She pushed.
"Interesting." Olivia nodded, angering me slightly.
"What are you saying?" I snapped, "that Draco wouldn't be friends with me if he knew."
"I'm not saying that." The girl sighed, "I just think it's something to think about. Besides my brother, you're my only friend here. I don't want you getting mixed up with the wrong people."

A silence was cast upon us until I noticed a small twinkle in Olivia's eyes as a smirk formed on her face.
"Speaking of my brother," she smiled, making me sit up in interest, "he has a little crush."
"Do tell." I smiled, happy to change the subject.
"Well," the girl grinned, now sitting up and leaning closer towards me, "we were sat on the train and a girl came to our carriage. I've never seen Bill go so red! He hasn't stopped talking about her since!"
"Did she sit with you guys or just quickly come into your carriage?" I frowned, unsatisfied with the lack of information.
"She came and sat with us." Olivia smiled, "they chatted the whole way there. They actually have a lot in common. They just instantly clicked, you know? He's gutted that she's been put in Gryffindor."
"Aw bless him." I sighed, "what's her name?"
"Millie." Olivia smiled, "Swainson."

My heart stopped as I jumped to my feet.
"Millie Swainson?!" I gasped, suddenly feeling on top of the world. Of course, the private school in London was actually Hogwarts! I couldn't believe my best friend was a witch and in Hogwarts, too! I didn't understand how I didn't hear her name called out, perhaps I was too busy talking to Billy and Olivia. Plus, the hall was so loud and there were so many students, it would be very easy to miss someone.
"You know her?" Olivia frowned.
"She's my best friend!" I cried, suddenly feeling very emotional that we actually would get to continue through school together. I just had no idea how incredible the school and us ourselves would be!

Eventually, Olivia and I decided to go to sleep for the night, settling ourselves down. After an hour or so of tossing and turning, however, I still couldn't sleep. I picked myself up from my bed and placed myself onto the window ledge. My head fell to the glass panel as my eyes searched the shimmering night sky. Suddenly, a room from the side of the castle by the window caught my eye: a Slytherin dorm. Just as I noticed, a figure made its way to the window. Draco. I noticed a couple of other first year Slytherins laughing behind them as I assumed they made their way to bed, Draco giggling also. This stopped when his eyes met mine and a small smile appeared on his face. I grinned and waved at the boy who returned the gesture before mouthing a "goodnight" to which I also copied. With this, he closed the curtains and I'm assuming went off to bed. I decided to try and do the same, happier now about seeing him in the morning.

Draco and I Where stories live. Discover now