Slowly opening my eyes, I quickly realised I was in hospital. Glancing around, I saw the room full of empty beds and Draco by my side.
"Maiya!" The boy cried, jumping up from the chair he was sat in and wrapping his arms tightly around my neck. Sitting up to greet him, I noticed a man stood at the bottom of my bed. Dumbledore.
"How are you feeling?" The man asked with a warm smile, this being the first time I'd actually spoken to the man.
"I'm fine," I quickly muttered, the memories of the previous events flooding back to me, "are Hermione, Ron and Harry okay? What happened to the ston-"
"Fine." The man smiled, holding his hands to pause me in my tracks, "they're all fine. You destroyed the stone when you threw it into the fire and I must say, you did the right thing."
"I'm sorry about that, it was a moment of panic. It was all I could do," I rambled once more, "and now Nicholas Flammel-"
"He will sadly die." Dumbledore stopped me once more, "but he has lived a long life and a happy one, I might add."
The man's face turned serious as he made his was besides me, sitting himself to the side of me.
"Maiya, do you know why Quirrell couldn't bare to touch you?" The man asked, myself shaking my head and eager to know to which the man softly smiled, "love. You much have held someone who you love very dearly and who shared that equal feeling before you faced Quirrell."
The man flashed a quick glance towards Draco, who's cheeks burned a bright red. Still, the boy let out a small grin, myself returning it to him.
"And with that," the wizard spoke, standing up once more, "I suppose I should leave you two alone."Walking out of the room, Draco placed himself on the edge of my bed, turning to me.
"Harry told me everything." The boy spoke, "I was so worried about you. I haven't left your bed since you got here. I thought I was going to loose you when they first brought you in. You just looked so lifeless... I don't think I can ever see you like that again."
"I'm okay." I smiled, "I'm just glad you're okay, too. I wasn't sure how you would be after chess. I was so relieved when I saw you sat besides me."
"I'm fine!" The boy smiled, "I woke up after a little while. I tried to go in but Dumbledore and Snape were already inside so Hermione and McGonagall were just trying to get Ron and I out. They didn't know what state you two would be in and didn't want us to worry."
"Snape helped?" I frowned.
"Yeah." Draco smiled, "I told you so."
"Yeah, yeah." I grinned.
"Snape was the one to carry you out." Draco smiled, "he kept coming to check on you. Told Dumbledore to come see you since he was more concerned with Harry. The Chosen One."
Draco spat the last sentence out, a sour look on his face. I smiled and took his hand. I was just happy everything was over.After a few days, I was released from the hospital, just in time for our final assembly in the Great Hall. As soon as Draco and I entered, I felt the hall's eyes on me. I could understand why, not only because of the rumours but because of the clear bruises and cuts all over me. I noticed immediately all of the praise Harry was receiving compared to myself and the others which annoyed me a little. Still, I was still glad I had done it as it was worth it to protect the school and the wizarding world. I did, however, instantly receive hugs and praise from Millie, Billy, Olivia, Kayden and a boy Millie was friends with in Gryffindor called Seth. I had also, apparently, missed the big news of Millie and Billy getting to know one another better and agreeing to go out over the summer to get to know each other better (which we all knew meant a date).
Soon enough, it was time for Dumbledore to announce the winners of the house cup.
"In last place," the man boomed, "Gryffindor with 312 points."
I began to clap for them, noticing the disappointed looks on Millie and Seth's faces.
"In third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points." The man continues. I was gutted, as were Olivia, Billy and Kayden, who let out large groans and complaints of frustration. Looking over to Draco, I saw him clapping. A smile rested on his face as he looked at me before mouthing a quick "well done". I smiled and nodded to him before returning my gaze back to Dumbledore.
"In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points." I looked to Draco, whose face was full of pride as he realised Slytherin had won!
"In first place, with 472 points, Slytherin!" Standing up, I clapped and cheered for the house, as did my friends as we watched Draco celebrate the victory with his house. Even if we didn't win, I was glad Draco had."However," Dumbledore's voice spoke once more, stopping everyone in their tracks, "recent events must be taken into account. I have a few last minute points to award." Dumbledore smiled, "to Miss Hermione Granger, for the great use of intellect when others were in danger, 50 points!"
Looking over to Draco, the boy mouthed "you better get 50, too" with myself returning a "you too". I was praying this wouldn't be another incident like the troll, however with the professors knowing the truth this time, I had hope.
"Second," Dumbledore continued, "to Mr Ronald Weasley for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has ever seen, 50 points. Third, to Mr Harry Potter for pure love and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor house 60 points."
"They're tied with Slytherin." Billy frowned.
"It takes a great deal to stand up to your enemies," Dumbledore spoke once more, "but an even greater deal to stand up to your friends, I award Mr Neville Longbottom 10 points."
I sighed as I realised they'd now beaten Slytherin. I overheard murmurs from the Gryffindor table that they'd won.
"This makes Gryffindor second!" Dumbledore shouted, the hall erupting in confused mutters and whispers, "for I am awarding Slytherin's very own Mr Draco Malfoy 50 points for sacrifice and an outstanding amount of love!"
I began to clap and cheer once more, myself grinning as I knew what love Dumbledore was talking about.
"And finally, to Miss Maiya Swan," Draco quickly turned to me, a huge grin appearing on both Draco and I's faces, "for bravery and love for others, I award Hufflepuff 60 points."
There was an uproar of applause and although we still came last, I felt an immense amount of pride as Dumbledore finished, my friends and house all turning to applaud me. I could feel my cheeks glowing red with embarrassment.The train ride home had Draco and I sat opposite one another, explaining to Crabbe and Goyle what had happened with Professor Quirrell. Eventually, I stood up to use the toilet. When I came back, I heard the boys whispering and noticed they hadn't saw me.
"I've never liked anyone like this." I heard Draco say.
"Then tell her!" Crabbe spoke, "surely you can tell she likes you!"
"She doesn't." Draco sighed, to which I waited a second before opening the door. As I did so, the boys immediately shut themselves up as to not give anything away.
"What did I miss?" I frowned, Crabbe and Goyle beginning to giggle.
"Nothing," Draco sighed, "they're just being idiots."
My head was all over the place as I sat down. Could Draco have been talking about me or was I that oblivious that there was someone else?Getting off of the train, Draco jotted down his address onto an old piece of parchment from his cloak in order to for us to write to one another over the summer. I am happy to say we did. We tried to send an owl at least once a day. This was the same case for Billy, Olivia, Kayden and Seth, though not as often. Of course, Millie and I lived near one another so we spent as much time as we could together. The girl couldn't get enough of the Quirrell story. She also bombarded me with letters Billy had sent to her over the summer which gave me the courage to talk to her about the conversation I had overheard on the train. As I spoke, her smile faded and her eyes avoided mine.
"Didn't you know?" Millie frowned, "rumour has it he kissed some Slytherin girl on the last day. Apparently they both really like each other. I'm so sorry, Maiya."
Draco and I
FanfictionWhen Maiya joins Hogwarts she is met with an unexpected friendship despite all those against it. The muggle born finds herself in many dramas and challenged but with the help of her new alliance, Draco Malfoy, she manages to overcome them.