Chapter 1

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Rain splattered against the school's parking lot as I walked across it to my Buggati Centodieci. Many people walked past me but none of them get the attention I do.

Of course since none of they're dad's are Richard Loure who owns many company around the world and is known as one of the richest men in the world

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Of course since none of they're dad's are Richard Loure who owns many company around the world and is known as one of the richest men in the world.

My school, Grayon High is one of the best schools in the US. Only children of mayors, business men or other people who have plenty of money go to this school.

And my mom being the famous fashion designer, Arianna Loure designed our school's new uniform. I'm glad or else the principal of our school would have made our uniforms make it look like it came from the 1900s.

 I'm glad or else the principal of our school would have made our uniforms make it look like it came from the 1900s

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Girls uniform

Girls uniform

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Boys uniform

Opening the door of my car I climbed in. My driver normally pick me up from school but he was on vacation so had to drive by myself now. Not that I'm complaining. I started the car and drove off.


The gates to our family mansion opened. Well one of our mansions but the biggest and the one we spend most of our time in. We got many but I have favourites like I do with my cars.

Normally my chauffeur would open the car door for me but obviously he wasn't here

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Normally my chauffeur would open the car door for me but obviously he wasn't here. The doors to the mansion opened as soon as I stood in front of the door.

Our trustworthy butler, Steven greeted me, "Hello Ms. Loure. How was you're day?".

He's supposed to ask us that question whenever we arrive home, when I was younger I used to answer but as I got older I realized I didn't have to answer.

I walked in and one of our maids, Kathy or someone (we have many I can't be expected to remember everyone's name) ran up to me and spoke.

"Ms. Loure would you like a drink? A snack?".

"No I'm fine", I replied, "I'm going up to my room, oh and tell my dad that I'm going out tonight so I'm gonna need his credit card again".

"Sure Ms. But which credit car?", she asked.

"I don't care", I kept walking towards to elevator as she walked behind me asking me these things.

I pressed the button on the elevator and crossed my hands across my chest as I waited. The elevator arrived and I got on dismissing the maid with a wave of my hand.

As I arrived on my floor I walked towards my bedroom and stepped in.

As I arrived on my floor I walked towards my bedroom and stepped in

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And I frowned as I saw the clean laundry folded on my bed. I stormed out of my room and came across another maid, who think was new and looked like she was in her late thirties.

"Who did my laundry today?", I asked furious.

"I-I did Ms", she stuttered.

"Well it's not done properly!", I yelled making her flinch, "You're supposed to arrange it in my closet but instead it's just on my bed! You're not getting paid for messing up!".

"Oh y-yes Ms", she spoke cowering, "I'll go do it right now".

"Good", I said as she hurried off.

Well now that's out of the way. I walked back into my room and sat down on the couch, picking up my phone I scrolled through Instagram as the maid did her job. Right this time.

Once she was done I spoke to her, "I'm thirsty, go get me a soda".

She nodded, bowed and left. Leaning back on the couch I relaxed as I played some songs on my phone an IPhone 14 Pro max.

The maid returned and she handed me a can of Sprite and that angered me more.

"I hate Sprite!", I yelled at her, "I only drink Coke!".

She looked down and backed away, "I'm sorry Ms. I didn't know, it's my first day here".

"And it's your last too", I glared at her, "You're fired!".

She gasped, "I'm sorry, please don't-".

I rolled my eyes. She doesn't know when to shut up does she. I shook the can of Sprite and held it to her face and popped it open. And because of the pressure the soda hit her in the face.

As she stepped back gasping and coughing I spoke, "Didn't you hear me? You're fired, now get out of here".

She nodded and ran out sobbing. I rolled my eyes and slumped back on my couch. Gosh some of the maids are so annoying.

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