Chapter 3

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I told him where to go to, the Mascio Club. When we arrived I paused before getting out of the car, "Won't you get in trouble for sneaking me out?", I asked.

"Maybe", he answered, "But it's fine".

I nodded at him with a smile and climbed out of the car. First I went to the McDonald next to the club to to change my clothes.

Whose idea was it have a McDonald's next to a night club. I would've thought it was stupid if I didn't literally go into it to get changed.

I rushed straight into the restrooms and into a stall and began to remove my clothes, it was 8.20 by now and my friends hate it when I'm late.

I wore the outfit I brought along with me. A black tank top (cropped) along with a net cover up, a leather skirt and black jacket. I slipped off the tights but still wore the leather boots.

Stuffing the clothes I had being wearing before into the backpack and ran out the stall

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Stuffing the clothes I had being wearing before into the backpack and ran out the stall. Running to the club I stopped infront of the bouncer who held out his hand to stop me.

"OK I've got no time for this", I sighed and reached into my purse.

I took out about $300 and handed it to the bouncer, "Let me in please", I begged.

He considered it for a moment, "No sorry I can't".

"Do you know how my dad is?", I asked furiously.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Richard Loure".

His eyes widened, "So you're Celine Loure?".

"I'm glad you finally noticed", I smirked as he let me in.

I saw my friends, Giselle and Natasha by the doors in which music was pouring from.

"Gosh you're finally here", Natasha spoke.

She's like that, not mean, not to me obviously whereas Giselle is more on the cheerful side. She stepped between me and Natasha and I linked her arms through ours.

"Come on guys we're not here to argue, let's go have fun!", she dragged us in.

Natasha met a cute guy instantly and went off to dance with him while Giselle and I hit the bar. Sitting down on some chairs the bar attendant immediately walked towards us.

"Excuse me Ms. Aren't you Richard Loure's daughter?", he asked.

"Yes I am", I told him.

He seemed nervous as he spoke, "Aren't you too young to be in a club?".

I sighed and slipped him a $500 from my purse which made him shut up. Giselle stared at me in shock as I ordered a bottle of tequila and the attendant nodded and left.

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