Chapter 8

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I struggled to get up as Livia pushed me down again. She wouldn't dare to do anything to but I guess I was wrong.

"I'm not done with you", Livia said as she punched my face.

I felt trickles of blood down my face as I glared at her and she smirked down at me. That's it I'm not letting her get away with this. I stood up at incredible speed and grabbed a fistful of her hair. She grabbed my arm trying to make me let go but I wasn't having it.

One of the girls grabbed my shirt and pulled my backwards but since I was still holding on to Livia's hair she fell down on me. The fall made me let go of her and she stood up. I tried to do the same but she kicked my ribs hard making me fall back down.

"Stop it you bitch!", I yelled at her and she laughed.

"Me? A bitch? Have you looked in the mirror? You used him!", with that she kicked my stomach.

"You-you won't get away with this", I gasped for breath.

She laughed and walked out with her friends behind and none of them spared a second glance at me.


I finally left the restroom after washing away the blood on my face. Everyone was in class but ad I walked down the stairs to my locker I saw Zion sitting on a step on his phone.

Deciding to ignore him I walked right past him but he stood up even though I didn't turn around to see him.

"So", I heard his say, "Did you meet Livia?".

I was fuming with anger as he said that. He laughed at me obviously and my anger over took me.

I turned around and slapped him. His eyes widened as he placed his palm on his cheek, where I just slapped him.

He suddenly grabbed my by wrist and pinned me to the wall.

"You still haven't learned your lesson?", he growled his face only about four inches from mine.

"It was hella wrong Zion!", I yelled, "You seriously had to hurt me that much! I tried to explain to you that I wasn't using you but you didn't listen!".

I shook my wrist free from his grip and glared at him. His eyes softened for a moment but it was too good to last. Soon he was back to his normal self.

"I don't care", he said softly and it was even scarier than when he yells, "I only agreed to go with you because you were so desperate and I have a reputation to uphold".

I shook my head and walked away from him. Straight to my car. I couldn't bear to remain in school another minute. I drove straight to my dads office.

"Dad!", I yelled storming in.

He was shocked again first, "Oh hey Celine. What do you want?".

"I can't go to this freaking school anymore!", I yelled.

"Okay calm down now", he said signalling me to sit but I remained where I was, "What's wrong?".

"I literally got bulllied".

"Really Celine?", he rolled his eyes, "Just because a few people made some mean remarks about you it doesn't count as bullying".

"I'm telling you I did!", I stamped my foot on the ground.

"Look I can't make any decisions about your school", he said, "But I have a surprise for you".

"What?", I asked rolling my eyes.

"I know you don't like public school so to make up for that I bought you the penthouse suite at the Black Swan apartment".

Black Swan apartment  is the most luxurious apartment in the area we live in and many other rich people live there since one penthouse suite costs $98 million. But Mom just doesn't like apartments so we have proper houses only.

It had two different buildings together at the same place and I got the top floor of the highest building

I wanted to there since I was kid and recently I had being begging Dad. Now I finally got it.

"Oh I guess that's good enough", I said shrugging my anger fading away.

"Good, all you're stuff has been sent there already and Olivia will take you there".

As he said that Olivia, one of Dad's entered the office. She was quite young, only 26. So we got along well.

 So we got along well

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When we arrived I couldn't hide my excitement. It looked amazing even from the outside and I also got the highest floor.

Zion's P.O.V

As Celine stormed away from me I stood there stunned. I seriously couldn't believe her. How could she be so chill. After doing this to me of all  people.

I shook it off and sat down on the step once more. I heard footsteps and I expected it to a teacher but it was Livia.

"Hey Zion", she greeted me sitting down next to me.

"Hey", I replied looking down at my shoe laces.

"So I did what you told me to", she spoke.


"Say something Zion".

"What!", I snapped.

"Jeez don't need to be so mad", she said before standing up and walking away.

Livia and her anger issues.

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