Chapter 5

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When I pulled up at Travers High I instantly regretted it. Why did I even agree to go to a school like this.

Parking my Bugatti I rolled my eyes at the sight of my new school. I can't believe I agreed to go here.

Getting out of the car I grabbed my backpack and noticed people staring at me. I glared at one weird nerdy looking guy and countined walking to school.

I met a girl who was standing the entrance looking nervous. Noticing me she managed a slight smile.

"Hi! You must be Celine Loure!", she tried to sound cheerful but she sounded terrible.

"Mmm yeah", I answered walking past her but she followed me and I raised and eyebrow at her.

"Oh", she spoke surprised, "I'm Gwen and I'm  supposed to show you around and help you and stuff".

"Ok fine then where's my locker?", I asked.

"This way", she said and led me down the hall.

We stopped at a green locker like all the others. My locker number was 175  and she handed me a folder too.

"It contains your timetable and locker combination, I suppose you haven't to our school before even to take a look around?".

"I haven't", I answered, "Why should I? I never wanted to this trashy school".

Grabbing the folder from her I dismissed her with a wave of my hand. I was already pissed and Gwen or whoever she is not helping.

I glanced at the timetable not giving a shit until I realized I had Math first. Right after homeroom.Seriously can this day get any worse. I then checked my locker combination, 7585.

I put it in and opened my locker, tossing my backpack and folder inside  and walked to homeroom.


"So class we have a new student today, please welcome Celine Loure", our homeroom teacher Mrs. Leonard spoke to the class as I stood next to her.

"Celine Loure?", a girl dressed in a hell lot of pink asked, "As in the billionaire's daughter".

She scoffed and I rolled my eyes, "Yeah got a problem?".

"You kidding me", she laughed.

"Don't trust me?",  I spoke pulling out my ID and holding it up for the class to see.

Everyone's attention was then focused on me except Mrs. Leonard's, I guess she knew.

"Who are you anyway?", I asked the girl dresses in pink.

"After homeroom, you'll find out", she crossed her arms and glared at me.


And I did, after class. Gloria Hendon. The most popular girl in school up until now, now i bet it's me.

 The most popular girl in school up until now, now i bet it's me

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"So listen up you can't take my place", she said crossing her arms across her chest.

I smirked, "We'll see about that".

"There's nothing to see, you think you're so famous but you're not", she spoke but I ignored her taking my phone out of my pocket and calling my Dad.

He picked up on the third ring and spoke, "Hello Celine, how's your new school?".

"Ok except for this one girl who thinks she's the best", I said eyeing Gloria.

"Ok, Celine what do you want?", Dad asked in a hurry, guess he was busy.

"Let them come here but I need Tanley and Bruce", I said.

"Ok", He said and hung up.

"What was that all about?", Gloria asked and I smirked.

"We'll see who's famous".


During lunch Gwen came up to me but before she could get to me two other girls coming running up to me. And I've never really seen them before.

"Hey Celine, I'm Estelle" the girl with blonde hair spoke first, "And this is Julianna", she said pointing at the other girl.

They seem weirdly enthusiastic to meet me. And they looked pretty rich so I smiled back at them, "Hey Estelle and Julianna".

I decided to sit them for lunch and I guess it was fine. As I was eating lunch a paper ball hit my head and I turned around in anger.

A group of boys were sitting at a table and they were laughing at me. I don't let anyone laugh at me. I stood up but Julianna grabbed my wrist.

"Celine don't, they're the worst guys in our school, some of them even have criminal records".

"Whatever, they don't mess with me".

I shook off Julianna and walked the guys.

"Hey!", I yelled, "What's with that paper ball!".

They laughed once again and a guy with a hideous bowl cut answered me, "Nothing, whoever you are, Celine something".

"Celine Loure!", I glared at them, "How can you not know my name!?".

"Not everyone cares", a guy with red hair spoke looking up from his phone, "You're too stuck-up to accept that".

"Don't you dare-!", I was cut short when he stood up and walked off.

"Hey!", I yelled at him but he kept walking.

"See girl", another guy spoke, ", If Zion doesn't care then for sure we don't".

"Who's Zion?".

"Red hair, Zion".

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