Chapter 11

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And it's official. I'll be spending my summer in Hawaii. I just called Dad and he agreed, letting me go by myself. Well not just by myself. I've invited, Gwen, Estelle, Julianna and Abigail.

I even told Abigail to tell Zion and to tell him that he could bring a friend with him. And Brayden and one of his friends too.

Of course my bodyguards Tanley and Bruce would be there but they're fine. Only two more days to go.

Two days later.

Finally it's the holidays. Tomorrow we would be going to Hawaii to my luck I didn't have to take the last exam of the year because of was new.

I sat on my bed as one of my maids packed my bags for the trip and another cooked my my dinner. As I was watching the maid packing my stuff to make sure shell was doing in right, my phone rang.

It was Zion.

"Hey Zion", I answered the phone.

"Yeah...Celine....umm....why are you even inviting me along?".

"That's why you called?", I tried to hide my laughter.

"Yeah.....I mean I did a lot of terrible stuff to you and-", I cut him off.

"Just forget about it OK, so are you coming or not?"

"Oh hell yeah".

I laughed at his excitement and hung up.

The next day

Today I had to wake up at 4.00am, Dad had arranged a private jet for us. I wanted the best of the ones we had but Mom wouldn't let me. I had to use one of the basic ones.

I had a quick shower and got dressed

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I had a quick shower and got dressed. I wore a pair of white comfortable pants and a green shirt.

My breakfast was already prepared and I've been thinking about asking my Dad to get me private chef

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My breakfast was already prepared and I've been thinking about asking my Dad to get me private chef. But that'll have to wait.

I drove to a place which was arranged for take off and I met the others there. Brayden had brought along Hudson whom I know since I used to go to school with them. And Zion had brought along Evan.

Once we got on and settled down the jet took off. I had my headphones and was listening to Emeline's Cinderella's Dead when Zion called my name.

I didn't even realize he was sitting right behind me. I took off my headphones trying not to be pissed off since I hate when someone interrupts my music.

"Celine, I really wanted to say this.....I'm really sorry for all that ok. I never really meant it to go that far", he was practically leaning off his seat his hands on mine.

"Oh...I guess it's fine now", I spoke Turing around face him.


"Yeah. Why else would I invite you along?".

"You sure you're not planning on drowning me?", he said with a smirk and I smiled.

"If you piss me off I would".


Now Zion was sitting in front of me facing me and telling me stuff about himself and I actually listened.

I told him stuff about myself and he too listened.

"So you guys are not literal enemies anymore?", Evan asked walking up to us.

"I bet she's gonna drown me once we get to Hawaii Zion said pointing at me, "But for now, we're fine".

Evan laughed, "Celine if you ever need help drowning him, please let me know I'll be more than happy to help".

I smiled at Evan, "I definitely will".

"Jeez now even my bestfriend is siding with you", Zion said in joking manner.

"I'll let you two be", Evan winked and walked away.

Once Evan was out of ear shot I spoke, "I'm irresistible".

"You sure are", I heard Zion mutter.

"What?!", I asked shocked and he shook his head.


We finally landed in Hawaii and as we got off the jet I was so excited. There were four Mercedes Benz waiting for us.

I was rode in one with Evan and Zion. Abigail, Gwen and Hudson in one and Brayden, Estelle and Julianna. And one for our luggage and Tanley and Bruce.

We arrived at the house we were staying in which had a pool too.

And I was surprised to see Olivia there

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And I was surprised to see Olivia there.

"Hi Celine", she greeted me.

"Oh hi, what are you doing here?", I asked.

"Your dad send me here to make sure you get settled".

"Ok cool", I smiled.

"You guys go to your rooms and relax for now", Olvia spoke, "Afterwards the maids will unpack for you'll".

"Wow", Abigail said as we walked in, "Must be nice having people to do everything for you".

"It is", I replied, "You'll should get a maid for you'll".

"Well we can't, the thing is-", she got cut off my Zion.

"Abigail don't".

I frowned at his reaction but I decide not to think much of it.

"Let's go guys we have this place for a week!", Evan yelled and grabbed Zion and dragged him up the stairs.

I laughed at the shocked expression on Zion's face as he almost tripped on his own feet.

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