Chapter 14

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"You realize that we would be sleeping in the same bed right?", I asked.

"Oh", he paused, "Yeah....I'll just sleep on the couch if it's a problem".

"'re fine with that?", I asked worried.

"Of course, besides it's your place", he grinned at me and all I could think was of how cute he looked at that moment.

"You can get your stuff", I said and he nodded following me up stairs.

Once Zion had gathered his blankets and his pillows and went to sleep in the living room I walked out to the terrace which was attached to my room. My room's actually the only room with the terrace which is a good thing since I didn't want anyone else to see me flustered.

I sighed and leaned over the terrace breathing in the cool night air. The beach looked so calm and beautiful without people crowding it. Should I go out this late? I shrugged and walked back in closing the terrace door. I grabbed my silk bathrobe which fell mid thigh and wrapped it around it my self but didn't tie the sash.

I ran down the stairs trying my best not to wake the others it especially Zion. He was sprawled on the sofa, half of the blanket on the floor. I put my up to my mouth to stifle a laugh at the sight and walked out the door quickly. I walked out to the area near the pool breathing in the fresh air.

I realized that I had forgotten to wear sandals or anything but I didn't care. I walked to the beach and stood there for about a minute or two staring at the ocean. I walked towards it and stood at the edge letting the waves wash over my feet, staring at the moon.

It actually felt so relaxing to be out at this hour I was even thinking of calling Dad and asking him if we could permanently live here. As I thought about it I heard a voice behind me.

"Kinda late to be out by yourself", I turned around to see Zion.

"What are you doing here?", I asked.

"From the living room window, you looked like ghost", he chuckled standing next to me and facing the ocean.

I forced myself to look away from him and at the ocean. So did he just come out to see if I was ghost. Ok. That's just embarrassing.

"You...thought I was a ghost?", I asked looking at him again.

"No", he replied, "I realized it was you, though what are you doing out here so late?".

"I....I just couldn't sleep", I replied honestly.

"Same here, if I'm been honest".

He smiled looking at me and made my heart flutter. I was aware of the fact that I was blushing so I looked away.

We just stood next to each other for about five minutes, both of us just staring at the ocean on the moon. The water grew colder and as I was about to step out of it Zion and grabbed my arm. I looked at him an expression of shock and confusion on my face and he let go of me.

"Sorry", he apologized looking down.

"It's-it's fine".

"I just wanted to tell you that you're actually way better than I thought you were, I mean you were pretty much a bitch at first but now, I feel.....", he spoke fast at first but then he trailed off.

I turned around so that we were looking at each other, "You feel what".

"I don't know", he admitted, "But like when I'm with you, it just feels good and I'm .happy, I guess".

"Yeah.....I get it, I feel the same", I couldn't believe that I said out loud.

I could see Zion's smile as bright as day. He walked towards me and I stepped back kinda concerned.

"I'm not overstepping anything I hope", he smiled and then he effulged me in a hug.

I couldn't believe it. I was hugging Zion. Sure hugging wasn't considered anything big but for me it was pretty special. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest and smiled to myself.

But unfortunately he pulled away too early for my liking.

"I think I might really like you", he breathed and I felt myself smiling like a maniac.

"I-", I was gonna confess how I really feel too when I heard someone yell.

"Damn yes let's go Zion!", it was Evan.

I seriously wanted to punch the shit out of him now.

"God damnit really Evan!", Zion yelled back.

He grabbed my hand which really took me by surprise and ran towards Evan who was standing my the pool.

"What're you doing?", I asked glaring at him, "You definitely could've woken up everyone else".

"And hey, I didn't", he shrugged.

"God Evan", I replied rolling my eyes.

Evan looked down to me and Zion's hand which were entangled together and spoke, "At least I got to watch a pretty good confession".

"You have a death wish?", Zion spoke hitting Evan with his other hand.

"Goodbye newlyweds!", he yelled and ran back inside.

"I swear if I catch you!", I yelled but Zion just laughed.

"He's never gonna get a girl".

I smiled at him as he bent down at kissed me. And we stood there like that for a quite a long time.

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