Chapter 16

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Half and hour later I was standing in front of the closet deciding in which swimsuit to wear. I decided to go with the red two piece suit. It wasn't too revealing or anything since I didn't want Zion to be mad. I can already see that he's the jealous type.

 I can already see that he's the jealous type

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I went to the bathroom and got dressed in it. I put a shirt over it which I left unbuttoned as a cover up. I slipped on my flipflops and walked downstairs to Zion who was waiting for me.

"The other's already left, though Brayden's still here", he nodded towards the living room.

"I'll go call him, then let's go", I said as I walked past Zion.

"Hey Brayden", I greeted him as I walked into the room.

"Oh hey Celine", he smiled at me.

"Come on let's go", I said grabbing his arm and dragging me up.

"Ok ok jeez", he chuckled following me out.

I noticed when I walked up to Zion he saw that I was holding on to Brayden's arm he shot him a death glare. So I quickly let go and took Zion's hand.

"Come on let's go", I spoke dragging Zion who was still glaring at Brayden.

At the beach the first person I saw was Abigail and she was definitely having the time of her life. She and Evan were playing around in the water and they looked really cute together.

"Let's go to the water?", Zion asked looking down at me and I shook my head.

"First I wanna chill out for a bit", I said and he was totally OK with it.

Dad over made sure that we had a separate area with sunbathing chairs and condos to ourselves. We also had separate staff from the drink bars and everything to get us drinks and stuff.

I picked the last condo on my left and layed down on it next to Zion.

"I never thought I would be able to go on a vacation like this", Zion smiled gazing the ocean.

"Enjoy it", I said, "Cause if my dad finds out that you're my boyfriend he won't let me go on vacation with you".

He chuckled, "Thank you", he said and gave me a light kiss.

"Want a drink?", I asked since I had no idea what to say.

"Alcoholic?", he asked.

"I don't really know", I said, "I'll get a menu".

I called a waiter and he handed me a menu.

We ended up a ordering a drink called the Blue Hawaii. Saving the proper alcoholic drinks for the night.

"I really wanna get drunk", I told Zion as I took a sip of my drink

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"I really wanna get drunk", I told Zion as I took a sip of my drink.

The drink actually tastes amazing, it had a sweet and sour taste to it.

"You've never gotten drunk?", Zion asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I have", I said glaring at him playfully, "I'm not that lame".

A smile played on his lips, "You're not lame".

I smiled as I lay back and took another sip, "Come on, after drinking this I wanna take some pics with you".

"Definitely", he said, "Guys back at school will be hella jealous".

"They will be", I said but paused, "Though they hate me".

"If I like you, they will too so don't worry".

"What are you their leader or something?", I asked with a laugh.

"We never officially said it but they all listen to me".

"Damn that actually sound great".

"Kinda", he replied, "But Evan's my real bestfriend".

"He's likeable", I said looking at Evan who now was endlessly splashing salt water at Abigail no matter how much she protested.

Once we finished our drinks we had a full on photoshoot where Gwen took photos of Zion and I and I gotta adit she's got talent.

"Gwen these are amazing!", I exclaimed scrolling through the pics she took.

"Thanks, the least I could do", she smiled and went back to her condo which she didn't want to share with any since she wanted read in peace.

"Let's go to the water now?", Zion asked and agreed.

The moment the first wave hit my bare feet, I couldn't wait to properly swim, though I couldn't really swim.

The two of us joined Abigail and Evan and they were more than happy to see us.

We played around with a ball until Zion got tired of it.

"Let's go deeper", he suggested.

"We're already waist deep", I said hoping that we wouldn't have to go further.

I honestly didn't want to drown. The ocean is fun and all but I'm kinda scared too.

"I know but the deeper the better", he said, "Besides the lifeguards have already marked this as safe spot to swim in".

"You checked that?", I asked surprised.

"Of course", he smiled, "Other wise I wouldn't have let you go in".

I guess with that line, he earned my trust.

"I'm gonna hold on to you", I said, "Tight and you can't let go".

"I won't", he promised me, "Evan you and Abigail coming?".

"Nah", Abigail replied, "We're fine here".

"Wimp", Zion muttered under his breath and Abigail hit him, "Sorry".

Then he grabbed my hand and dragged me until I was chest deep in water but for him it only reached his torso.

"Deeper?", he asked and I shook my head.

"This is enough", I was now scared.

"Don't worry", he turned to face me and put his hands around my waist, "Hold on to me tight".

He then lifted me up and uttered a cry of shock as my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Don't let go", he spoke as be tightened his hold on me and walked further in.

I was practically trembling in fear but since Zion was holding me that fear reduced a bit.

"Not so scary now is it?", he asked.

"Not much", I answered honestly.

"Good", he kissed me.

Can this summer possibly get any better.

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