Chapter 7

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"What do you want?", I asked Gloria as she stood in front of me in the art room.

"I saw you've had a lot of run-in's with Zion", she spoke crossing her arms.

"Yeah so?", and then I realized it, "You like him don't you?".

Her eyes widened, "I'm not the only one, there's so many girls that-".

I cut her off, "Look you can have him all you want, he's a son of a bitch".

I walked out of the room ignoring Gloria as she called out my name. Or more like yelled.

Seriously I don't get what all the girls see in Zion. He's like hell rude. But I can't say I'm too different from him either.

I smirked to myself as I thought about what Gloria's reaction would be of she saw Zion and I together. She would be jealous as hell.

I walked into the cafeteria and ignoring Estelle and Julianna, straight towards Zion and his friends.

"Hey red hair!", I called out to him.

All his friends stared at me except for him. He didn't even look up from his phone.

"Hey-", I was gonna yell again but he cut me off.

"Who's red hair?", Zion said glancing up.

"You obviously", I rolled my eyes at him.

"What do you want?", he asked putting his phone down.

"You invited to Gloria's party?".


"Go with me".

"What!", he asked shocked.

"You heard me", I replied, "Go with me".

"Why should I?", he regained his calm self.

"Don't if you don't wanna", I said shrugging and I saw one of his friends who got to know as Evan kick Zion under the table.

"Fine", he replied and I smiled and walked away.


After school I saw Zion standing near his locker and I walked up to him.

"I need your number", I said to him making him look up from his phone.

"For what?", he asked raising an eyebrow.

"If you're are going with me for her party....".

He sighed and game me his number.





The day of the party arrived and I spend a lot of time getting ready. I wore a black strap dress with a v-cut.

I put my hair down and for make up I put on a little of blush and red lip gloss.

I put my hair down and for make up I put on a little of blush and red lip gloss

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