Chapter 13

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We were all sitting around the living room eating plates of spaghetti and watching Sweet Home. I was sitting between Zion and Abigail my legs crossed and smiling along with everyone else even the movies not a comedy.

I can't remember ever having this much fun with Natasha and Giselle. Every time we have a sleepover all they do is gossip and stuff.

Suddenly Evan stood up and turned off the TV.

"Guys, let's play a game", he looked at me.

"Sure, what do you guys wanna do?", I asked.

"Truth or Dare!", Estelle said Julianna yelled in unison.

I smiled at them and called the maids over who came over and handed all of us water and a glass of coke. They then cleared our plates and walked away.

"Wow you're so damn lucky", Gwen sighed as she gotta off the sofa and sat on the ground.

I joined them on ground and we formed a circle.

"Who's gonna go first?", Estelle asked.

"Me, my idea", Evan spoke up.

We agreed and he looked at me "Truth or Dare?".

"Truth", I answered.

"Is there anyone you have feelings for?", he asked.

The moment he asked that my mind wandered to Zion.

"No", I answered a little too quickly so it sounded suspicious.

"You sure", Julianna smirked.

"Of course".

"Guys this is so boring", Brayden spoke up.

"It's fun", Evan shot back.

"How immature are you guys", Hudson rolled his eyes and stood up long with Brayden.

They walked out but Evan didn't care.

"The less of people like them the merrier", he smiled.

He's seriously starting to grow on me.

"So anyway Celine", Gwen spoke, "No one?".

"No one", I told.

They finally let it go and now it was my turn to ask.


"Dare", she said after thinking about it.

"I dare you to......", I actually had no idea what to ask.

Then Julianna leaned over and whispered in my year.

"Abigail", I said, "I dare you jump in the pool with your clothes on".

"What no!", her eyes widened.

"It's a dare", I smirked.

"Fine!", she stood up and we followed her out.

"", Evan counted down and Abigail jumped in.

We all burst out laughing as she resurfaced. Especially Zion who found his sister soaked with all her clothes on beyond hilarious.


We had fun playing Truth or Dare for about another half a hour. Afterwards as I walked up the stairs to my bedroom was when I realized I would literally be sleeping in the bed as Zion.

The thought made me stop in my tracks and Zion who was behind me bumped right into me.

I'm can't do this.

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