Chapter 17

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Stretching out on the condo I breathed in the salty air. It was now evening and we were gonna stay here at least until 10.00pm. We ate our lunch at one of the snack bars and now we gotta build a fire.

"Come on Celine!", Abigail yelled pulling me up, "You gotta help too".

"I'm not good at these stuff", I whined as she pulled me away with her.





In the end we managed to build a fire and we were all sitting around it. Once finished eating our pizzas Zion sat down next to me and put his arm around me. Estelle who was taking selfies the whole time lowered her phone and smiled at us.

"Finally you two are together".

"Wait what?!", Zion asked shocked and everyone except for Hudson and Brayden burst out laughing.

"How did you'll know", I asked.

"Nothing could be more obvious", Julianna said stifling her laughter.

"So Celine do you really like him?", Gwen asked nodding in Zion's direction.

Now that was a really weird question. And I definitely couldn't answer it with all these people here. But to my luck Evan and Abigail chose the exact moment to arrive holding two bottles of Everclear 190.

"Aren't those two things strong as hell?", Brayden asked.

"Hey", Evan grinned, "Our goal today is to get drunk and I mean really drunk".

He handed us all glasses and poured it out.

"At least as some soda", I said and Evan rolled his eyes but he did it.

"Let's play a game, the losers gotta take three shots", Zion said smirking taking a sip from his glass.

"Ok", I replied, "What should we play?".

"Dares", Abigail grinned.

"Celine you first", Julianna said and she paused thinking, "I dare you to take the top of your bikini off".

"What the fuck!?", I cursed my eyes widening in shock.

The expression on everyone's faces were laughable, but right now since I was the one that has to do the dare, I really wasn't laughing.

"There's no way I'm doing that", I shook my head firmly".

Zion nodded too saying, "Good".

"It's a dare!", Abigail yelled, "You gotta".

"I said I'm not!", I replied my temper rising. (I have anger issues)

"Turn around from us then", Evan smirked, "There's no one else on the beach other than us".

"It's either than or three shots", Estelle said, "And it's gonna get harder the further it goes".

I looked sideways at Zion and he was still frowning. I intwined my fingers through his and made eye contact with him.

"As long as you turn away", he sighed.

"Come on do it!", Gwen cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled.

I stood up and walked out of the circle we were sitting in and turned my back to them. I was now facing our beach house and I was more than happy that there was no one. I pulled my bikini top over my head, a cheer literally erupted from my friends. Not even pausing for second I pulled it back on. Fixing it, I went back to our circle and sat down between Zion and Brayden.

"You'll didn't see anything right?", I asked.

"We didn't, chill", Evan laughed.

"Ok then", I said, "Evan you next".

He nodded.

"I dare you to.....", I trailed off climb that palm tree".

"I'm gonna break a lot of bones", he said walking over to it.

He grabbed hold of the trunk and tried to pull him self up but failed. After threw more tries he gave up.

"Yeah I definitely can't", with that he grabbed one of the shot glasses and poured the Everclear in to.

He took it and continued to the other two.

And just like that we stopped the game and just took shots.


I woke to my alarm ringing. I groaned having to stretch my arm and since Zion had wrapped himself so tightly around me, to get my phone which was on the bedside table. As I saw it my eyes widened.

Shit. The zip lining booking. It was only 6.30am. Thank God for that.

"Zion wake up", I twisted around to face him and felt my head spin.

Damnit, that hurt like hell. I fell back onto the bed as Zion opened his eyes.

"What's up?", he asked rubbing his forehead with his right hand and keeping his left arm around me.

"Zip lining booking", I said with a groan as my head started to hurt even more.

"Should we even go?", he asked closing his eyes again.

"I'm like really hungover", I said, "Let's not unless anyone comes in here and tells that they want to".

"I'm sure no one will", he said, "They all were drunk too".

"Mmm", I closed my eyes burning my face against his chest.

Brayden's P.O.V

"I just hope that bastards out smoking or something", I told Hudson as I brushed my hair.

Hudson who was sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone shurgged, "They are dating though".

"Who knows if he forced her to or if he's just using her for sex", I said turning around, "I mean I know his type, they've got fake IDs and all".

"I don't know man", he looked up from the phone, "She does seem genuinely happy with him".

"We'll see", I said walking up the room.

I walked up to their room and hesitated thinking about knocking. But I decided against it. I know her more than that bastard does.

I pushed open the door and walked inside careful not to make a sound. And I guess Hudson was right after all.

Zion, I could see was awake and Celine had her eyes closed. Her head was buried against his chest and i could definitely see that she was holding on to his shirt.

He had on arm wrapped around her and using his other hand he was stroking her hair lovingly. He was smiling and I could see a hint of a smile on Celine's face.

Thank God his back was turned towards me and Celine had her eyes closed.

I quickly walked out of the room and to mine where Hudson was exactly where he was before.

"Hudson", I said making him look up, "You're right".

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