Chapter 4

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"What were you thinking?!", Dad yelled at me.

"She clearly wasn't", Mom said glaring at me.

Dad normally yells while Mom expresses her anger in a more silent and calm way but for some reason it's scarier.

"Come on", I roll my eyes, "I'm always at home and I'm bored so I decided to go out with my friends that's all".

"Brayden said he helped too", Dad spoke, "But I'm sure he's lying to save you".

"He's not", I sat up straighter, "He did help me".

"Did you know how embarrassing it was when you cane home drunk?!".

Mom stepped forward and frowned, "Both of you stop fighting".

I glanced at her and looked up to my ceiling, obviously very pissed.

"I have a great idea on how to punish you for this", Mom said, "But first I have a few phone calls to make".

They left my room and I went to have a shower.

As I entered the bathroom I got a call from Brayden

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As I entered the bathroom I got a call from Brayden.

"Hey what's up?", I asked as I grabbed my toothbrush.

"Hey might not remember but you agreed to go out for coffee and to the park last night", he spoke.

"Of course I don't remember", I said rolling my eyes, "Anyway just come pick me up in an hour", I said and ended the call.

I brushed my teeth and had a shower and got dressed. I wore a white sleeve less tank top and a black skirt along with a blue denim jacket.

An hour later I was texting Giselle about last night when Brayden texted me saying that he had arrived

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An hour later I was texting Giselle about last night when Brayden texted me saying that he had arrived. As I  stood up off the couch my parents walked into my room.

"Well we've made our decision", Mom said crossing her arms and blocking the door.

"What is it?", I asked raising an eyebrow, "I'm getting late".

"We've spoiled you too much and the friends you have are no good at all", she started speaking.


"So we're going to enroll you in a public school until you shape up your behaviour and get better friends".

"You can't be serious?", I replied shocked.

"I very well am".

"Noway Mom!", I yelled cringing just imaging it, "Those school's are literally the worst".

"It's not your choice", Mom spoke, "You'll be starting on Monday".

With that she left and I screamed in frustration and anger. Once I calmed down I realized Brayden was still waiting for me.

I rushed out to see him sitting in his car playing with his phone. He smiled as he saw me.

"Hey Celine", he greeted me, "Hope you didn't get into too much trouble".

I scoffed as I got into his car and rolled my eyes. I then told him everything.

"Woah that must suck", he spoke starting the car.

"It does and I actually wanna meet Giselle to tell her so can you drop me off at her place?".

"Yeah I guess ok", he sounded disappointed but I chose to ignore it.

I gave him the address and when he dropped me off I called Giselle to let her know I was infront of her house.


"You're kidding!", Giselle yelled as I told her.

I stretched out on her bed and shook my head, "I'm serious I will have to go".

"But even you're Mom knows that public schools suck".

"That's the the point Giselle", I sighed.

"So what school is it?".

"No idea".


Travers High. That's the name of the school and today's my first day there. The worst part? It takes two hours to drive there so I had to wake up really early.

I had a shower and did my skin care routine before I brushed my hair and put on my makeup.

I maybe going to a public school but I gotta look good. At my last school they had uniforms so I didn't have to worry about what I'm wearing but since Travers High doesn't have uniforms I gotta use my sense of style.

I wore a pair of blue jeans and a red long sleeve tank top along with white sneakers.

I wore a pair of blue jeans and a red long sleeve tank top along with white sneakers

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I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs for breakfast. Mom smiled seeing me but Dad frowned.

"Honey are you sure about this?", he asked Mom.

"Of course".

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