Chapter 15

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I was woken up the next morning by the sound of something falling.

"Shit", I heard Zion curse and I opened my eyes to see him fumbling with him phone.

"What are you doing?", I asked suppressing a yawn.

"Oh I just dropped my phone", he answered holding it up.

After our meeting last night I told Zion that he could share the bed with me. Nothing else than actually sleeping happened though. And right now he was sitting on the end of it. He put down his phone on the bedside table and layed down next to me. I really couldn't believe the fact that I was actually dating Zion. I mean we literally used to hate each others guts. But I now saw that he wasn't all that cold and mean. He could be really sweet if I wanted to.

I told him that and grinned, "You're not always so mean either".

I smiled at him and he leaned over and kissed me. The simple kiss led to making out but we were disturbed by a knock on the door. I rolled my eyes and got off the bed. I opened the door to see one of the maids.

"Ma'am you need to tell what you need us to make for breakfast", she spoke bowing her head.

"Oh yeah, just make us something causal", I said, "Cereal, toast, pancakes and waffles".

"Sure", she said and left and I closed the door.

Zion got off the bed and stretched, "I think we should get dressed and go downstairs".

I agreed and went into the bathroom first since he told me too. I had a quick shower and got dressed in a black off the shoulder top and a pair of blue shorts.

 I had a quick shower and got dressed in a black off the shoulder top and a pair of blue shorts

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An hour later we were all sitting around the dining room table enjoying our breakfast and talking with each other.

"So Celine", Evan who was sitting in front of me spoke, "Last night was really fun, wasn't it?".

I knew he wasn't talking about the games we played or whatever. He was talking about Zion and I.

"Yeah it was really fun", I answered him smiling but at the same time kicking him under the table.

He bit his lip and I knew that I really could kick well. I smirked at him and he glared at me.

Zion looked at me confused but Evan mouthed at him, "She kicked me".

Zion chuckled and gave me a thumbs up which I returned.

"So guys", Estelle suddenly spoke out loudly, "What are we gonna do today?".

"I was thinking of just going to the beach", Abigail said stuffing pieces of waffles into her mouth.

"Sounds good", Zion shrugging.

"Guys for tomorrow I wanna go ziplining", I told them.

"Damn don't those things cost a hell lot?", Zion asked and I nodded.

"I think so, I'll check".

I took up my phone and opened up a website for it.

"Yeah so tomorrow", I started speaking, "At 8.00am and it'll cost us $1736 in total".

"Holy shit!", Evan exclaimed, "That much?".

"When you actually have money it's fine", I heard Brayden say and I glared at him.

"I'm paying for everyone so there's no problem".

"Let's get going then", Evan said standing up and we all followed him.

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