Chapter Fifteen

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Justin's p.o.v.

Pulling to a stop outside of my new house, I noticed how beautiful Capetown is. I an happy because my house right down the road from Selena's house. Parking my car in my drive-way, I got out. I wanted to freshen up before I saw Selena.

I walked around my new house making sure all my stuff had arrived. Walking into my room I changed my clothes and fixed my hair. Before getting back in my car, I grabbed my phone. I was nervous about seeing her again.

Selena's p.o.v.

I pulled into the parking lot of a local park. It looked nice and quiet. I walked around the beautiful. There were only a few people in the park. Sitting down on a bench facing the water I noticed how much I loved Capetown.

Everyday I seem to fall more in love with this place. Taking in the area I smiled to myself. Standing up I walked towards the water. I saw somebody walk over to the water but paid no attention.

I walked back to the bench and sat down. The man walked past me then turned around stopping right in front of me. Giving me a strange look as he came closer.

"Selena? Selena is that you?" He asked.

Fear jolted through my body. Who was he?

Originally Written: Early 2013
Revised: Late 2015

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