Chapter Twenty-Six

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Selena's p.o.v.

I woke up and rolled over to see that it was 9 am. I guess I should get up. I have lunch with Mandy today. Ever since the other night at Mandy's, we have been hanging out more. She was a great friend. I have been loving getting to know her.

I got up and got a shower. I did my hair and my makeup. I put on a nice long Tiffany blue button down top, with a pair of leggings, matching them with brown boots. I gathered my things and walked outside.

It was a perfect day to spend outside. I walked to the mailbox and checked the mail. I looked through it as I walked to my car.

I noticed an odd letter with 'Selena' written across the front. Who put this in my mailbox? It couldn't have been the mail man. I got into my car and read it.


"Selena? Is everything okay?" Mandy asked after we ordered our food.

"What?" I asked. My mind was racing. All I could think about was that letter from Justin.

"See. It's like your not even here." She said worried.

"I'm sorry. My mind is racing." I shook my head.

"Yeah, I can tell. What's going on?" She asked. I grabbed the letter out of my purse and handed it to her.

"Wow. I can understand why your mind is racing. What are you thinking?" She asked after she had finished reading it.

"I'm thinking. I'm not even sure what I am thinking. I mean, I guess I'm just surprised." I said. I was unsure of what to say.

"I know how you feel." She looked down at her salad. "Maybe you should have a real sit down conversation with him. One were you two aren't screaming at one another." She kindly suggested.

"Maybe, that actually sounds like a good idea." That actually seems good. My feelings and emotions were all over the place, maybe seeing him would help.

Mandy and I finished eating. It helped talking to her. She understood me and where I was coming from. I decided to go because I couldn't stand this anymore. My mind was racing. I got in the car and drove. To where? I'm not sure. I needed to see Justin.

His face, his eyes. I was in love with him, weather or not I trusted him. He still owned my heart. I needed to get a hold of him but I don't have his number or address. So I just drove around and thought about everything. My phone went off interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone.

"Selena? Selena is that you?" A somewhat familiar voice asked into the phone.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"It's Pattie, Justin's mom. Justin's in the hospital." She spoke frantically.

Originally Written: Early 2013
Revised: Late 2015

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