Chapter Five

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Selena's p.o.v

I didn't understand why things happened to me the way they did. I had been broken yet again. Dwelling on the past only made things worse.

I decided to get up and get ready. I felt tired but knew I couldn't lay in bed all day. That would only make things worse. I got up and got dressed to go out on a run. That has always helped me clear my head. I grabbed my phone, plugging in my ear phones, and went for a run.
After a nice run a came home and got ready to go to the library. I was happy that I had something to do with my time. It will help take my mind off the past. I road my bike to the library and spent the day there. I found some cool books and cleaned up a little. I locked up and went home. I enjoy my time there; its peaceful.
I decided that I needed to start a journal in order to get to help keep my mind clear. I think it would help. After all, I love writing.

After a while of writing I turned the tv on, E! News was on. I gave in and decided to watch it. I knew it wasn't going to be good for me but I couldn't help myself.

"Breaking News; Taylor Swift has finally spoke out about Selena Gomez. Saying; 'I miss her. I don't know where she is, but I hope that she is happy...I really do. I know I have not been the greatest friend to her. But I love and miss her so much.' Taylor spoke out today at a press conference before her tour kicked off.

Demi Lovato also spoke up about the issue. Saying; 'I personally don't know where Selena is. Nobody does. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the things that have happened over the past year. I wasn't there for her when she needed me. I do know that she left because its what she wanted and needed. I admire her for that. I miss her but I know that she is happier where ever she is now; happier then she ever was here.' I guess its safe to say, we wont be hearing form her for a while..." The show ended and I turned the TV off.

Why couldn't I let it go? Why did I find myself watching now TMZ and E!?

They didn't know what was going on in my life. They didn't know how I felt or how much it hurt. I hated the pain I felt. It was never ending and I feared that the pain would be the only constant thing in my life.

I found myself curled up in bed. I can only hope that I get some decent sleep tonight.

Originally Written: Early 2013
Revised: Late 2015

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