Chapter Twenty-Five

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Justin's p.o.v.

It had been two days of writing and writing. Yet I had nothing. Why is this so frustrating?

I needed to get out. Go somewhere. I gathered my things and left. Bringing the pen and paper with me.

I drove around but I didn't know where to go. My mind was racing. I couldn't stop thinking about Selena.

I wanted her. I wanted her body in my arms. I wanted her body against mine. I wanted her as mine, forever. I was tired of the fighting and the arguing. I hated the fact that she blocked me out.

Why were things so messed up? Why did I push her away? I pulled the car over and grabbed the pen and paper I had brought with me. I needed to write.

Dear Selena,

I don't know how to show you how deeply sorry I am. This is all my fault. You're right, I pushed you away. I was afraid. I was afraid of losing you even though that's exactly what I did. That wasn't my intention, at all.

I want you. I want you back. You were and are my everything. I was wrong. It's all my fault. I just want you in my arms. I will do anything to get you back.

I'm glad I left California, music isn't the same unless you're there. Without you I am nothing.

My feelings for you have grown over this journey. I know you may not trust me and I understand why. I broke your heart and for that I am so sorry. I have to live with that dreadful mistake for the rest of my life.

I hope that one day you can forgive me and hopefully grow to trust me again. My love for you will live on forever. My heart and body want you. I WANT you, forever.



P.s. my heart belongs to you.

I grabbed an envelope I had stored in my car,l and put the letter inside. I drove to Selena's house and put the letter it in her mailbox.


After a while of driving around I stopped at a gas satiation. I bought a few more bottles of vodka, I needed something to numb me.

I got back in the car and drank one of the bottles before chucking it into the back of the car. I started driving not knowing where I was even going.

After a while, I grabbed the next bottle and drank it down. I didn't care anymore because I was hurting.

My eyes started getting heavier. My vision started to blur and before I knew it everything went black.

Originally Written: Early 2013
Revised: Late 2015

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