Chapter Five

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Something you have to learn about life is not all of it can come true.
In life we have fantasies, whether this be about boys, family, or our imagination running wild. This is what we want to happen compared to reality.

In a test you may get a really good mark on one or a crap score on another.
My point is life comes in highs and lows.

At this point in time Maddie was on the top of the roller coaster and it was all about to crash to the ground.

So this is what happened to Maddie on 16 June 2010.
After seeing who she thought was The Zoella. Her cab arrived.

The podgy man rushed over to Maddie and said is his English accent voice " I'm sorry to disturb you madam, do you know where I can find a .... ' Maddie Wood ' ?

" Um... yes that will be me" replied Maddie unable to keep her eyes off the mysterious woman.

After the man leaded Maddie out of the building into the pouring English weather. Maddie kept thinking about this woman.

She finally got her floral suitcase into the boot of the car.

" I am so sorry, I am late, now I am addressed to take you to Mount Hill High School for Girls ' . Shall we depart? " The mans voice was high, he was short and round like a ball.

" Yes I'm ready " Came the nervous reply.

Maddie knew something sounded familiar about the school. Although she couldn't put her finger on it.

The car journey was long. As she thought hard about where she had heard of the school questions kept ringing in her mind. Is it too late to meet Marcus? If only she could turn back time.

" Sorry no could we go to ... " Said Maddie. As she gave the man Marcus address. She thought could this be true?
A few minutes later she checked her phone. Dozens of messages came from her dad.

Where are you?
Did you have a good flight?
Hopefully this trip helps you
How's the food?
Maddie could you reply
Maddie I'm now worried

Maddie's dad had always been so protective over her. This made partying and Maddie staying at friends without permission hard for him.

As she sent her worried dad a reply. She finally relaxed and before she knew it her eyes were slowly starting to close.

New beginnings. New adventures.

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