Chapter Twenty Two

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Authors note: I AM NOW 14 ( as of 25th January) I am so sorry I haven't updated! Things have been very difficult & I now have braces. Anyway on with the story...

" I'm falling in love with you " His words spoke calmly.

I drop the glass and watched as it smashed against the stone floor. I gasped as Joe leaped up from the bar stool nearly falling over at the same time. I tried to process what had just happened. Joe Sugg was falling in love with me. With little old me, this is insane. It was like time had stopped and I was just thinking.

Every moment made sense. From the way he helped me when I first came to England to the way he was jealous of me and Harry's chemistry. 

I don't like him back, do I? 

No, course not. Although I love his dirty blonde hair, the way it flops on to his face and can look perfect no matter what. I love his radiant blue eyes, how I could get lost into them every time I look. The way he can make you laugh in any situation and cheer anyone up when they are down or upset. I love his crazy personality and his little Joe phrase " I didn't chose the Sugg life, the Sugg life chose me." Which makes me laugh every time. I love how he calls his subscribers Sugglets. I love his dimples as he smiles. His cheesy grin though and when he does his accents, which crack me up every time. 

I loved the fact that when we talked, it was like talking to someone who has been there since the beginning, knowing I could trust him. I trusted him with my life. The moment he texts me, I feel my heart pounding, sometimes skipping a beat. Then when I felt down and ramble on, then feel guilty and apologize for rambling. Then he would make me feel like the only girl in the world although I know I am not. When he says something sweet, my face falls onto my pillow as I grin to the ceiling. Then when were are on the phone, I could sit there forever listening to his calm deep voice. How we started talking, I could just feel like something between us, the chemistry was there.

Going through these factors. I realised something.

I love Joseph Graham Sugg.

  Joe's POV

" I'm falling in love with you " I said.

Every word I said was true, every word meant something. I loved her crazy laugh and when she walked into the room the whole place would light up and everyone would be smiling. I loved her cheeky grin and her little nervous habits where she rambles when she gets nervous or tired. Her hazel colour eyes which I could stare into all day. The fact shes so nervous about what she looks like is just so cute. I knew I could rely on her 24/7. In a way she was my rock and I was hers. Although Harry was in the picture. 

I remember the day like it was yesterday when I walked in and the way she turned around, her eyes puffy and red, the tears running down her face. It broke me but then knowing that she could trust me when she told me she was missing her dad. Well my heart warmed, if that makes sense. 

When we spoke, even though it wasn't that much. It meant the world to me. I treasure the moment and wanted her to be mine so much. Although at the moment I was completely drunk, I knew I would pay for it in the morning and I would probably regret telling Maddie my feelings. 

They say that when you're drunk, you say stuff you don't mean but I know i'm not.

I'm head over heels for my baby girl. 

I love Maddie Sophie Wood.

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