Grocery Stores

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"This is your surprise?" I ask him, laughing. He pouts.

"No. You said you needed to go to the store." I continued to laugh.

"Later! Not now." He shrugged.

"Knowing you, you won't go shopping until after I'm gone and we'll be mooching off of Megan all week." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a basket from the side of the store and began leading him down one of the several aisles.

"No, knowing you, you won't let me eat anything I've bought because you'll keep taking me out to eat." Harry smiled as I grabbed some bread.

"Touché." He said lightly. I laughed. "So how's school been?" I shrugged.

"Okay I guess. The math class I'm taking is killing me right now with finals coming up. I swear, our teacher wants to bury us under equations." Harry smiled.

"Well you won't have to take another math class after this right?" I nodded, math was useless with my major. "So you just have to ace this and be done with math forever." I snorted.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one in college struggling through it. You're the one on magazine covers touring across the world." Harry shrugged. The boys had recently gone on tour with Big Time Rush and were preparing for the South America leg of their Up all Night Tour. I kept telling them that they were working too hard but they seemed to love it so I didn't try to damper their happiness.

"You're right. Remember that time you showed me your math homework."

"You basically cried! You didn't know what any of it was." I said loudly, laughing. Harry laughed with me. We were interrupted when someone said,

"Are you Harry Styles?" I turned to find a girl maybe fifteen, sixteen years old. She was staring at him hopefully.

"Yes, love." Harry said with a smile. The girls face lit up.

"See mom! I told you I recognized him." The girl said turning to a lady behind her. "Can I have a picture please?" She asked. Harry nodded. I gathered everything I needed in the aisle while he talked to the girl. I was used too this of course, it would happen every so often and it would only get worse as they became more recognizable. "So how do you two know each other?" She asked as I walked back to them.

"Oh we're best friends." I said before Harry could reply. I looked up at him and he seemed a little upset that I had said we were best friends.. Again. "I met him a little over a year ago. We've been friends ever since." I explained.

"Oh cool is that why you come down to L.A all the time Harry? To hang out with her?" Harry opens his mouth but closes it and nods, smiling.

"Yeah before we could only text or talk on the phone now that I have money I fly down to see her." He tells her. It's the same structured sentence he's handed out before and I smile in agreement with him.

"That's so nice." She says enthusiastically.

"Yeah it is." I agree. Harry purses his lips.

"Well uh we have to finish getting groceries." Harry says, putting his hand on my shoulder gently.

"Oh right I'm sorry." She apologized. "It was so nice meeting you two though and thank you for the picture Harry." We said goodbye and I was glad she didn't ask for my name because I didn't catch hers.

"Why do you always do that?" Harry asks quietly as we move down a different aisle.

"Do what?" I question even though I know full well what he's talking about.

"That, calling us best friends when we're dating. We've been dating for almost a year Theresa." He only calls me that when he's serious. I sigh.

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