They Don't Know About Us

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We stopped back at my dorm so I could grab a couple of things like; a change of clothes, a toothbrush, stuff like that. Megan gave me a knowing smile as I said goodbye to her and I could practically hear her sining a song about sex in her head.

I jumped back into the car with Harry, where I had made him wait. He smiled lightly and leaned over the gearshift. I met him halfway, kissing him lightly. "Ready?" He whispered.

"That's why I'm in the car." He chuckled as he backed out of the parking spot.

He was staying at the same hotel he always does so I had the drive there and back memorized. I chewed on my bottom lip, turning up the volume of the music before opening up a game on my phone.

We didn't talk on the ride there or when we get out of the car. We had a silent elevator ride and a quiet walk down the hall to his room. He held open the door for me and I stepped in, kissing his cheek as I walked by. He grinned.

"You want to take a shower first?" He asked, flopping down onto the bed.

"Sure." I replied, setting my bag down. "I shouldn't take too long." He smirked.

"I've heard that before." He has. I like delaying our arguments as much as I can so I stay in the shower longer by doing everything meticulously. "I'll be here when you get out."

"I hope so." I reply as I gather up my pajamas. He grins and grabs the remote, turning on the TV as I enter the bathroom.

I knew I couldn't avoid the inevitable but I could stall it. I carefully shampooed my hair and washed my body before turning off the faucet and drying myself leisurely. I even brushed out my wet hair, which is something I usually don't do. I would have blow dryed it too if there was a blow dryer in the bathroom. Instead I got as much water out of it as I could before changing into my clothes.

I walked out of the bathroom and found Harry already standing, clothes in hand ready to shower after me. He kissed my forehead, touching my wet hair before going into the bathroom. I smiled softly as I put my things away. Turning off the TV I sat on the bed and waited for him. As usual, Harry didn't take long. I was running my hands through my hair when he came out, shaking his curls. I smiled softly as he pushed all his hair back over his forehead.

"You should have your hair like that more often." I told him as he sat down on the bed.

"Pushed back?" He questioned. I nodded, pushing back a lock that had fallen down in front of his eye. We were quiet for a bit.

"So how are the boys?" I asked.

"Oh they're good." He replied, nodding his head. "When I talked to them last, Niall and Louis were hanging out, Zayn was with his family and Liam and Danielle were going on a date." I smiled.

"How are the couples?" I asked, referring to both Liam, Louis and their girlfriends.

"Just great! El and Danielle are really close now." I smiled softly, wishing I could meet them. They seemed like such lovely girls and they always looked gorgeous in pictures with the boys. I also wished I could talk to them about the boys in general. The only girls who would have complete understanding of what it was like to date someone from One Direction were the girlfriends themselves. "How's your mum and dad?" I shrugged.

"They're my parents. They miss me but I'm not too far away. It's nice going home now." I replied truthfully. Before, I couldn't stand being in my house or that town now it was a comfort, though the memories were still present.

"That's good to hear." He said slowly, thoughtfully. We were quiet again and I cringed internally knowing what was coming next. "Can we talk about going public now?" He asked lightly. I sighed and took his hands in mine.

"Of course." I murmured. I let him talk first. We've gone through this conversation a dozen times now and somehow, by the end of it, I manage to convince Harry to hold off on telling the world about us. So I let him talk first so he can get everything out and just vent to me about.. Well, me.

"I want to go out to more public areas with you Theresa. I want to show you off to the entire world. I want to post pictures of us. I want you in my profile picture and I want to take you places, all over the world. Everywhere. I don't want to hide anymore. I want to step into the light. Are you ready for that yet?"

"You know the answer." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as it fell in his face. He was sweeping it across his forehead again. I began chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"I know but I keep hoping you've changed your mind." He says softly, squeezing my hand.

"I don't want everyone to know yet Harry." I murmured, meeting his gaze. "You know what will happen. The paparazzi here are brutal. We'll be the number one story for weeks and they're not just going to touch the surface of our relationship Harry. They're going to dive into it and dig everything up. You know what they'll find." Harry nodded, looking away.

They would find court cases, newspapers, pictures. They'd expose my entire life story to the world and I was just beginning to recover from the events that transpired nearly three and a half years ago. If they brought everything back up and plastered it all over the Internet and magazines, I wouldn't be able to cope. I was afraid that the nightmares would come back more frequently or get worse.

Then there would be the fans. If we did go public a number of people would be mad and upset already. I had a Twitter and a Facebook, I wasn't on either of them much but someone would find me. Especially if Harry mentioned me in a tweet with my Twitter name. Then there would be the death threats, the name calling and if they found out about what happened to me when I was fifteen, it would only get worse.

"I know Theresa, I know." He murmured leaning in and kissing my cheek before my lips. "But I can protect you from that. If someone gets details on your past, I'll make sure they don't surface. I have money to.."

"Money you shouldn't be wasting on me. You've done enough already just being here for me." Harry bit his bottom lip.

"It's not a waste if it's for you." I blushed hard and turned my gaze to the sheets. He tilted my head up. "I can't.. I won't have a repeat of last year Terra. I can't do that to you and I don't want them to do it to me." My throat closed up and a shiver ran down my spine. I knew what he was talking about, of course I did and every time I thought about it I became paralyzed. "I'm not trying to scare you love." He murmured. "I just.. I love you too much to hide like this."

"I.. Love you too." I chocked out and before he could say anything else, I kissed him. I kissed him so I could confirm that this was real, our relationship was real. I kissed him because I didn't want to hear him say anything else. I kissed him for reassurance. I kissed him out of regret. I kissed him to forget.

Maybe half of this story is going to be in flashbacks. And if anyone is confused, this book happens around May in 2012 and the flashbacks all occur late 2011.

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