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"Why are you calling me? It's one o'clock in the morning." I groaned, my head dropping down onto the pillow.

"Shit that's right. Time zones." Harry exclaimed on the other end. "I'm sorry. I'll call back later."

"No, just talk to me now. I'm already up." I muttered. Harry sighed.

"You're not going to like it." He murmured. I sat up, frowning. Glancing over at Meghan in the other bed I pushed off my covers and headed to the door that led out of our room. If I was going to yell and be angry at him, best not wake up my roommate. She had an early morning class.

"Okay, tell me." I stated, closing the bedroom door and turning on the lights as I headed to the kitchen. Harry sighed on the other end.

"I can't come out this weekend."

"Oh." I thought it was something worse. I mean, yeah I was upset. It was my birthday, his birthday as well and it was going to be the anniversary of when we met. But I thought he was going to tell me something like, "I did something stupid and broke my arm."

"Just oh? I thought you'd be more upset than this." Harry questioned.

"Do you want me to be upset?" I asked.

"No but.." He paused. "I dunno I thought you'd be angry at me."

"I mean.." I paused and leaned against the counter. "I kind of am but it's not that important."

"I think it is. It's our anniversary." I started laughing.

"No it's not. Our anniversary is in September." I stopped. "Or did you forget?"

"No! No, of course not." I laughed lightly. "I meant the anniversary of the day we met." I snorted, rolling my eyes before straightening up and turned around, my back against the porcelain.

"I don't think we're allowed to have two anniversary's." I scolded him.

"I think we should because meeting you was one of the best days of my life and then becoming your boyfriend is just as important to me." I rolled my eyes again

"You're so cheesy."

"I'm sorry. I just love you a lot." I smiled.

"I love you too."

"I'm sorry I can't make it." Harry exclaimed.

"Harry, it's fine." He sighed.

"I'm not okay with it." He grumbled. "We have a break! I don't see why I can't fly out to meet you." I hopped up onto the counter and shrugged my shoulders even though he couldn't see it.

"They need you out there Harry. No big deal. The other boys aren't complaining about not being able to see me." Though I missed them terribly, I knew that they were on tour now. They were becoming famous and I knew they wouldn't always have time for an old friend.

"But I'm your boyfriend. They're just friends."

"Hey, I would consider them best friends Harry." I said with a laugh. "You guys know a lot about me."

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