Flashing Lights

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"We're what?" I demanded. Harry arched an eyebrow, confused.

"I'm serious. And it looks like it's from today too are you wearing a white dress?" My jaw dropped and my hand flew to my mouth.

"Yes." I breathed out.

"Someone's following you guys then. So far there's only five pictures up but there's one of you guys from the beach, which was from yesterday I assume, maybe last night. Then one where you guys are leaving the hotel, two at breakfast and.." She pauses.

"What?" I questioned.

"There's one of you guys holding hands."

"Shit. Fucking shit." I curse. Turning away from Harry in distress.

"What's going on?" He asks, touching my shoulder. I don't reply.

"How long have they been up? When was it posted?"  I questioned.

"Not too long ago actually maybe thirty minutes ago. The only reason I heard about it was because.." She stopped talking.

"Was because of what?" I cried out. Meghan signed on the other end.

"Was because someone, a friend of mine, obsessed with all things one direction, sent me the link and asked if this girl looked like my roommate or not. I told her no of course and I dissed your outfit by the way. Sorry, you look really cute though." I groaned, not because she had made fun of what I was wearing but because of the article.

"Okay, okay." I said slowly, breathing in and out. Grabbing Harry's hand, I ducked into an alley. He protested the entire time. "We're going back to the hotel and hopeful we loose them, if they're still following us. God damnit."

"Hey, calm down. They're probably not."

"People are following us?" Harry asked next to me as we turned a corner and skirted around a homeless person asleep on the ground. Harry dropped some money into the hat next to his head as we passed by. The gesture was sweet but I didn't have time to compliment him on it. I was freaking out too bad.

"Can you clearly see my face? Is it blurry in anyway?" I asked her.

"Well.." Megan said slowly, drawing out the L.

"What?" She sighed again.

"Terra, I can hear you're freaking out but you'll be mad if I lie. I can clearly see your face. Like, there's no doubt about it in the pictures with you at brunch. Someone must have followed you into the restaurant." I swore under my breath. Harry took my hand again and moved us back out onto the street. The hotel loomed in front of us.

"Damnit. Fuck. Fucking shit." I murmured into the receiver.

"Theresa what's going on?" Harry demanded. That was his serious voice. I looked up at him pleadingly, trying to convey to him with my eyes that I would answer his questions as soon as we got back to the hotel. He frowned but nodded and we began moving faster. All we had to do was cross the street.

That's when I spotted them, the people with cameras.

They were all situated outside of the hotel, like they were waiting for us, which I assume they were unless another celebrity was holed up in there but I doubted that. I immediately turned around and started walking farther down the street.

"Terra!" Harry called after me as I ducked behind a ground of people and ran into an alley. I was breathing heavily into the phone and my heart was beating out of my chest. Meghan kept asking me what was wrong but I was too busy hyperventilating. "Theresa shh.." Harry said soothingly, touching my shoulder and rubbing my back as I bent over to my knees, leaning up against the wall.

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