Back For You

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3 Months Previously

"Megan!" I exclaimed. "Get your butt in gear! Today's the day!" I shouted jumping up and down. Megan groaned as she rolled out of bed.

"God I wish today was over already." I frowned at her and she started laughing at the expression on my face. "Come on, I only mean so you can stop talking about it. Literally it's all you've talked about for like a month now. I frowned and blushed a little because she was right but it was also important to me.

"I'm sorry it's just.."

"You're going to see the boys perform live, you finally get to see someone other than Harry from the band, it's a free concert and we also get to meet Big Time Rush." I blushed harder as she counted off her fingers.

"I really have talked about it too much." Megan laughed some more and touched my shoulder lightly as she walked out the door to the kitchen. "I'm mostly excited to see them perform though." Megan rubbed her eyes as she grabbed a mug from the cupboard.

"Yeah I know."

"And I'm excited for you to meet them." Megan rolled her eyes as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Oh come on! You're meeting One Direction, for free I might add. That's a lot of girls dreams." Megan shook her head at me.

"They're not even that popular."

"Yet, they're not even that popular yet." I reminded her. Megan rolled her eyes. "Come on! They're very popular in the UK." I argued with her for what felt like the millionth time.

"Yeah but not in the United States. People only know about them and frankly, I only know their one song that Whatever Beautiful one." I groaned as she butchered the name.

"What Makes You Beautiful. Come on Meghan, it's a classic."

"It can't be a classic!" She exclaimed trying really hard not to laugh. "It's not even that old. Talk to me in another five years if they're still together and bring up what a classic What Makes You Beautiful is." I grinned.

"At least you got the name right this time. And what makes you think they won't be together in five years?" Meghan shrugged.

"If they become as popular as they say they're going to be, then there's no doubt in my mind that they'll be able to retire by the time they're twenty-five. You'll be set for life." I arched an eyebrow at her. "Oh come on, are you and Harry planning on breaking up anytime soon?"

"N-no.." I stuttered out. I hadn't thought about breaking up with him but I also hadn't thought about spending the rest of my life with him. Thinking about it now kind of shocked me. "But I also haven't thought about being with him for the rest of my life."

"You two work great. It's a good match." I stared at her and she sighed. "Okay, come on. Don't look so shell shocked. What happened to carefree promotional girlfriend."

"Promotional?" I repeated, trying to get my mind off of being with Harry in the long run.

"Yes, promotional. You're trying to sell One Direction to me. You've gone all, girl crazy. You're a fangirl for them."

"I am not! Harry's my boyfriend. I have to support what he does." Megan grinned.

"You can support him without promoting him."

"But then I won't have more money when Harry and I get married." Meghan started laughing and I laughed with her as I nervously played off the previous conversation by making a joke out of it.

"Come on, what should I wear to this damn concert? They're picking us up here right?" I nodded my head as we headed back to our room.

"I think it's just Harry. All of us couldn't fit in one car." Megan nodded as she grabbed a pair of shorts out of her drawer and started to strip herself of her pajamas.

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