Disturbed Dawns

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I open the door to my dorm and I'm greeted by a familiar face. I smirk, leaning against the frame. "Again?" I ask him.

"Again." He confirms with a shrug of his shoulders. Then I smile widely and open my arms, he walks into them, the sound of plastic crinkling as the flowers he is holding hit my back. The scent of them washes over me as I bury my head in his chest.

"You need to stop coming out here." I murmur.

"Hmm?" Harry asks, pretending he didn't hear me. I laugh and pull away from him slightly.

"You have to stop coming down here." I say, hitting my fist against his chest lightly. He hands me the flowers and I blush as I take them.


"Because your fans are beginning to notice." I tell him, bringing the flowers to my nose. He always brings me different, colorful bouquets when he visits. It's such a lovely and sweet gesture.

"So what?" He says with a shrug. I laugh again. Since One Direction's fame, Harry has become more open and relaxed about, well, everything. We haven't had many fights either which is a relief. Before, we used to fight constantly and now, almost not at all. Which is probably only because he's on tour and I'm in school. The last big fight we had was actually.. "Do you have any food?" His voice shakes me from my thoughts.

"Always." I say, rolling my eyes as I step further into the room and head for the small kitchen. I grab the vase, which Harry personalized with our initials in a heart, and fill it with water. I always have it on hand because he always shows up out of the blue to surprise me with flowers and a few spontaneous dates before he heads back home.

"What kind of food?" He says, even though he's already rummaging through the cabinet and fridge.

"Ah-ah-ah!" I say, grabbing the bag of chips out of his hand. "These are my roommates. She won't be too happy to find you've eaten all her food again." He groaned as I put it back.

"Well what is yours?" I snicker.

"I haven't gone shopping in a while." Harry groans as I remove the plastic on the flowers and throw it away before placing the bouquet in the water. His arms go around my waist and his chin rests at the top of my head, which is a very nice feature Harry acquired recently, being a literal head taller than me.

"I'll take you shopping." He says, kissing my hair as I put the vase on the counter. I turn around in his arms and look up at him, my hands on his chest.

"On our first date back together?" I ask with a small gasp. Harry laughs lightly. "Where's the romantics? Where's the fun? Harry, you're losing your touch." I tease, walking away from him. He grabs my wrist and spins me back around.

"Losing my touch?" He echoes. Then he does something I don't expect, he throws me over his shoulder. I let out a yelp of surprise and partial fear.

"What are you doing!" I demand as he walks around. The ground is just two feet from my face and if he drops me, I'll kill him.

"Say I'm not losing my touch!" He shouts.

"No! Because you are!" I shout back. He feigns dropping me. I scream a little. "Harry! Don't you dare." I tell him in a stern voice.

"Come on, repeat after me. Harry is not losing his touch." He says in a very instructive tone, like he's talking to several toddlers.

"Harry needs to put me down." I reply in the same tone. "And he's losing his touch." He pretends to drop me again and I shout at him loudly. And that's when my roommate opens the door, while Harry has me over his shoulder, his right arm the only thing keeping me from the ground while I shout at him to put me down.

"Jesus Christ you two!" Megan says, rolling her eyes as she closes the door, Harry, graciously sets me back down on the ground. "I could hear you three dorms down!" She exclaims.

"Sorry Megan." Harry and I say in unison. He has his hands behind his back and he's smiling like an elementary school boy who has been caught pulling on some girls pigtails. She snorts and sets her purse down.

"Please, you two will do something like this again." She says before walking over and hugging Harry. He hugs her back, wrapping his lanky arms around her. "So how long are you here for this time kiddo?" She asks him, pulling away and punching his chest. Harry rubs the spot, pretending it hurt before replying.

"Not long, just three to four days." He says with a shrug. My heart does flips while my stomach ties itself into a knot. I'm glad we get about half a week together but I'm upset that it's only half a week. Megan knows I don't like asking Harry how long he's going to be here or when he's going away. It's always better when he's here. When I don't doubt our relationship.

"Good. Get her out of the house." Megan says bumping me with her hip as she heads into the kitchen and pulls down that bag of chips Harry wanted earlier. Harry glances at the bag then at me then back at Megan who rolls her eyes and tosses it to him.

"I plan on it." He says, catching them and opening it in one swift motion. "We're gonna go out for dinner."

"Then you shouldn't spoil your appetite." I say, taking the bag from him and pulling a chip out before walking towards Megan who is laughing at the look on his face. Harry is pouting when I turn around. Megan takes a handful of chips out of the bag and smells the flowers as she heads back to our shared room.

"Not too late then you kids. Alright?" She says, wiggling her eyebrows up and down at me. Megan thinks Harry and I have sex, I still haven't told her about my past but I plan on doing so soon. It's almost the end of our first year of college and she's become one of my best friends, she deserves to know.

"She was being very suggestive." Harry says lowly as I hand him the chip bag back.

"Don't get your hopes up." I say in a teasing tone. Harry smiles lightly. "So where are we going?" I ask him. He puts the bag back in the cabinet and closes it.

"Go get your things." He says with a slow smile.

"Harry." I say in a stern tone. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." I sigh and roll my eyes. He's all about surprise whenever we're together now. "Don't forget your keys, your phone.." He begins, acting like I'm his daughter and not his girlfriend.

"And a jacket?" I cut him off.

"Well it's kind of warm out." I roll my eyes while he laughs and head into my room.

"He not tell you again?" Megan says, typing away at her computer as I grab a jacket and drape it over my arm.

"Nope. I hope it's not something elaborate and over the top again." Megan snorted.

"Please, that's his middle name." I laughed.

"Harry Elaborate And Over The Top Styles, it has a nice ring to it." Megan burst out laughing. Harry pops his head in.

"What'd I miss?" He asks. I push him out of the doorway.

"Get a move on Over The Top." Megan sniggers but Harry looks at me confused before shrugging.

"What was that about?" He asks as he opens the door.

"I'll tell you if you tell me where we're going." Harry smiles.

"Never mind." I groan and roll my eyes as he closes the door behind us.

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