Magazine Dreams

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Present Day

"I just.. I love you too much to hide like this."

"I.. Love you too." I chocked out and before he could say anything else, I kissed him. I kissed him so I could confirm that this was real, our relationship was real. I kissed him because I didn't want to hear him say anything else. I kissed him for reassurance. I kissed him out of regret. I kissed him to forget.

"Terra." Harry murmured, pulling back. He smiles softly. "You always do that when you're trying to avoid a conversation."

"Well it works." I whisper kissing him again. He groans slightly and said something like, "You're right" or "I know". I took that as the sign to keep going before I scooted myself over and sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist, locking his hands onto his forearms so I couldn't escape.

Moving farther up onto the bed, Harry laid down, brining me with him before rolling us over so he was leaning over me. His hand ran up my side as my fingers ran themselves through his dark hair. I tried not to think about how long he would let this make out session last or when it would be over because it made me a bit queasy. I knew he still wanted to talk, I just didn't know what else to say.

A minute later I had pulled off Harry's shirt and was gingerly trailing my fingers down his arms and back to his shoulders before moving them to his chest. He groaned something into my neck that I didn't catch. He lifted his head up and looked at me and I could tell he was going to start talking so I quickly flipped us and without giving it a second though, I lifted my shirt up and off, tossing it to the end of the bed.

"Terra." Harry said, sitting up, his hands gripping my now bare waist.

"What?" I breathed out. He's seen me without my shirt on only twice before like this and he gets nervous every time even though I'm the one who has taken my own shirt off and not him. I guess he thinks I'll get stressed out if he does it but it's mainly just anything below the waist. I'm learning, trying to get past everything

"You're trying really hard to distract me." He whispers kissing me lightly. I can tell he's trying really hard not to stare at my chest.

"Yes." I whisper. Kissing him harder. He allows me to do this for another minute before saying,

"Love, please." I know he's pleading with me when he says this. He's trying to, in the nicest way possible, get back to the topic at hand without hurting my feelings about the fact that I'm half naked in front of him and he's not paying me the attention I want. I sigh and lean away from him. He smiles softly and kisses my cheek before reaching behind him for his shirt, which I put on since mine is too far away.

It smells like him and I breathe in deeply as I slide off his lap. I sit back down next to him and pull my legs up, wrapping my arms around my legs. He's running a hand through his hair which became unruly because of me. "I don't know what you want me to say Harry." I whisper. "You know what my answer is."

"I know. I know." He murmurs. He kisses my cheek as he says this.

"Then why do you keep trying?"

"You know what my answer is." He says slowly smiling. I laugh lightly and lean into him. He kisses my hair, putting his arm around me. "I know you hate talking about it but I'm going to keep asking. Especially since we're working on our second album now." He mutters out the last part. "I just don't want to go through.. That again." I nod my head in agreement. I don't either. I won't be able to take it.

"I'm tired Harry." I whisper after a minute or two. He rubs my shoulder and nods. Before we push the covers down the bed mad snuggle under them together. He puts his arm around me, my back is pressed against his still bare chest. Even though it's a hot summer night, the AC in this hotel makes it seem like the middle of winter so I'm glad for Harry's extra body heat. "Goodnight Harry."

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