The Last Time

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Several Months Later

I rubbed my arms against the cold and drew up the hood of my jacket. Winter was approaching fast. It rarely rained in California but it was often windy. It may have been a dumb idea, seeing as I had a lot of homework and a roommate who was worried about me, but I took a walk at nearly seven o'clock at night to clear my head. I had a lot to think about.

Harry and I had officially been together for a year now. He couldn't make it out to me for our anniversary, which I was fine with. It wasn't his fault anyways. He was on tour. He couldn't prevent that and I didn't want him to fly out to me for what little time he could only to have to go back to Europe. It was better if he stayed out there.

My parents still hadn't completely warmed up to the idea of Harry and I being a thing. His fame was only growing, it was evident now. I could barely go anywhere without hearing one of their songs or seeing their faces splashed across billboards and store fronts. Every time I see them now I laugh a little. Sometimes I even take pictures and send them to the boys. I get a kick out of it but they always complain about how they look weird in the photos.

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts as I waited to cross the street. Reaching into my jeans pocket, I pulled my phone out and looked at the screen. It was Meghan. I debated just sending her to voicemail but I saw that I had been out he nearly an hour and a half without so much as a text to her about my whereabouts.


"Thank god. Where the hell are you Terra? It's late, I'm worried. I was going to call the police." I laughed a little as the light changed and I could walk across the street.

"I'm fine Meghan. I'm just walking. I'm heading back now." She scoffed.

"Yeah you better be. It's dark what are you thinking? Terra someone could hurt you and Harry will loose his mind if something does happen to you." I pursed my lips at the mention of Harry. Meghan sensed the tension. "Sorry but it's true. He cares about you a lot and.."

"I know and he lied to me Meghan."

"For a good reason!" She argued.

"For a bad reason." I corrected her. "I was ready. I was ready and God.. I just feel so stupid." Meghan sighed.

"You're not stupid. Management is stupid. Don't let it get to you. Don't let it affect your relationship with Harry." To bad it already had. I could live with the fact that I wasn't good publicity for the boys what I couldn't live with was Harry blatantly lying to me about something important. "Are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, I am." I murmured, running a hand through my hair and trying not to sigh too loudly.

"Good. Now get your ass home, call Harry and fix this. You guys are perfect for each other. Don't throw away what you have so easily." I wasn't going to throw it away easily. It was probably going to be one of the hardest things I'd ever do.


It took me another thirty minutes to get back to the dorms. I might have walked a bit slower, trying to see if I would change my mind about the subject but I hadn't. My mind was made up. Now all I had to do was call him.

"There you are! Jesus what did I tell you? I was in the verge of calling the cops again." Meghan exclaimed rushing from the kitchen to the door so she could hug me. I hugged her back as I shut the door with my foot.

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