Chapter 14

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"Hey guys." Jeongguk greeted his friends who turned around.

"Oh hey Gguk." Hoseok greeted and ruffled his hair. The club smelled like alcohol and smoke.

It's been a while since Jeongguk was in a club with his friends, and he didn't go to clubs often because he hates social events, and also Taehyung is another reason why.

"Come on Gguk. Let's order you something to drink huh?" Jeongguk nodded and walked with Hoseok over to the bar. A few people gave them glances, some smirking and checking them out. Jeongguk smiled at some girls and even boys.

He finally felt free after the few weeks Taehyung appeared. He felt chained by Taehyung, always watching his every move and punishing him. Finally, he has the choice of doing whatever he wants today.

They arrived at he bar and sat down onto the tall stools. It was lit up by a soft blue light and a couple of people were drinking just a few seats beside them.

"Alright, what do you want to drink?" Hoseok asked and took out a cigarette. Jeongguk didn't know that Hoseok smokes, but didn't care. He watched as Hoseok lit up the cigarette and took a puff out of it.

"Give me one." Hoseok's eyes shifted onto Jeongguk who's face expression was serious. Hoseok smirked and took out his cigarette packet out, offering one to Jeongguk who took it.

He stole Hoseok's lighter and lit the cigarette, taking a puff out of it. Soon enough the bartender appeared.

"How can I help you?" He asked flashing them a smile which Hoseok returned. "A shot of mango vodka please." The bartender nodded and turned to Jeongguk.

"And for you?" Jeongguk thought for a little, and thought a great choice would be something strong, so he can get wasted. Finally he decided.

"Can I get a Balkan 176 vodka?" Bartender nodded and Hoseok turned to him with surprise.

"Going strong already, I see?" Jeongguk laughed "Yeah, I wanna make sure I'll get wasted." Hoseok shook his head a little, laughing at his friend.

"Jeez Gguk, you've gotten a lot more mature over the past months." Hoseok smiled and Jeongguk lifted a brow. Maybe it was true. Since Taehyung came his whole attitude changed.

"I guess. I haven't noticed." Jeongguk smiled and turned to the bartender that brought them the drinks.

"You know, I actually kind of like this side of you. It's really refreshing." Hoseok put out out his cigarette and took the shot in one go.

"Oh really? You like his side of me?" Jeongguk asked curiously and sweeped his bangs out of his eyes.

"Yeah." Hoseok showed his teeth and his eyes shifted to Jeongguk's waist. It was tiny and a black shirt wrapped around it.

"Wow, you have a really small waist. Almost like a girl's." Jeongguk eyes widened. A girl's? He wasn't a girl.

"Ehm, what do you mean girl's? I'm pretty sure it's not that small." Jeongguk said and got startled when Hoseok wrapped his hands around his waist.

Jeongguk's eyes widened when he saw how small it actually is. Hoseok held his waist tightly, his nails digging into it.

Jeongguk whimpered slightly and looked up at Hoseok, who's expression was emotionless. His eyes were darkened as he watched Jeongguk struggle under his hold.

Jeongguk gulped and knew exactly what was Hoseok thinking about. He sweeped Hoseok's hands away from his waist and took a shot of his drink.

It's okay Gguk. Just try to be as far from Hoseok as possible. He sighed and stood up with his eyes blurring for a while. The alcohol was taking it's effect. "Alright Hope, Imma get going."

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