Chapter 23

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Jeongguk didn't know. He couldn't like him, after the times he abused him, not just physically but also manipulated him mentally.

He's acting like a rapist, abuser and a psychopath once and then he acts like he has done nothing wrong and treats Jeongguk softly like his baby.

It was all too confusing, but Jeongguk knew he just couldn't find himself liking the older. He won't like someone who hurt him so many times.

Taehyung looked up, eyes big, glossy and red. Jeongguk gulped quietly, looking down to avoid the stare.

He heard more sniffles, feeling Taehyung's grip on his waist loosen. "Y-You don't?" He let out, a hint of dissapointment obvious in his tone.

He wasn't surprised, he understood that Jeongguk doesn't like him, and he felt terrible. He loved Jeongguk, at least now he understood what he did was wrong and owns up to it.

He just wants Jeongguk to like him somehow.

Jeongguk's head still hung low, not willing to look at the sad demon, or he might burst in tears. He looked so sad, so broken, and it made Jeongguk sad.

He wants to like Taehyung, he really does, but he can't. Whenever he tries to think about the moments Taehyung had made him feel loved, he remembered the harsh treatment.

How Taehyung threw him down the stairs, made him cry in pain and enjoyed it. How his hungry eyes watched him scream in pain as he slammed harshly into him.

It hurt, Jeongguk whimpered at the thought and finally looked up, to be met with Taehyung's worried expression. Their faces were inches apart, and Taehyung was really close to kissing him.

Jeongguk kept on staring, mesmerised by the color of his eyes. They were purple color now, a deep purple color which reflected shades of blue, staring back into Jeongguk's doe ones.

They were soft, and neither of them could look away. They were too lost in each others eyes to notice that they were inching closer to each other.

Taehyung was so close, his heart shaped lips almost touching Jeongguk's cherry tinted plump ones.

Until Jeongguk blinked. He blinked and realised how close they are, and he quickly backed away, pushing Taehyung off of him.

Taehyung got startled and fell back onto the soft mattress. He looked at Jeongguk who stood up quickly, trying to process what just happened.

His eyes scanned Taehyung's face and saw how confused he looked. He covered his chest with his arms, and then traveled his stare towards Taehyung's body, being mesmerised by his firm stomach.

They were both still naked, and Taehyung saw how the younger eyed him with furrowed eyebrows. Now he didn't understand. Jeongguk obviously pushed him away because he didn't want a kiss, but the way he looked angry but eyeing his body was...unusual.

Jeongguk wouldn't normally do that, and it seemed like he was lost in thought. He bounced up and down on his feet cutely, eyes suddenly widening and stare fixed on Taehyung's thighs.

"Ehm...Jeongguk?" He asked but Jeongguk didn't listen. He was too lost in his own world to register that Taehyung has already stood up to walk over to him.

Fuck, what should I do...This silence is so awkward. Though his thighs are fucking smooth, and his cock is- fucking big. How could that even enter me? How come I haven't break yet?

"Jeongguk." Taehyung repeated and walked closer to Jeongguk, the tears dried on his face and sadness gone, confusion and concern replacing it.

"Gguk..?" Taehyung asked as he was finally standing beside the younger, waving his hand in front of Jeongguk's face, trying to wake him up from his daydreaming.

How could I prove that he really loves me? Even if he treats me like a prince or something, that's too easy to fake.

"Hello?" Taehyung asked, trying to snap once again, yet he didn't. He stood still, shocked expression on his face. Taehyung now really started to worry, he looked so shocked, almost terified.

"Ggukie? Baby?" He tried different nicknames, waiting if he will receive any sort of reaction or answer. But he didn't,  Jeongguk still kept on staring into nowhere.

Maybe I should try something he most certainly wouldn't do. Something hardcore. Something that would make him back off.

"Ggukie, come on. Wake up." Taehyung groaned quite annoyed, but tried not to show his annoyance to the younger.

Something that would make him regret that he likes me. Maybe- maybe...

"This isn't funny Jeongguk, I'm really worried." Taehyung said and wrapped his hand around Jeongguk's waist, staring at the beauty, still waiting for an answer.

He admired the younger, from his gorgeous long lashes, to his cute nose and lips, a small mole under them decorating them.

He bit his bottom lip, letting his bunny teeth on display for Taehyung to admire. Taehyung had never realised how cute he looks, like a bunny.

He always admired his gorgeous face and perfect features, but not the fact how cute he actually looked.

He just wanted to shower him with kisses, his puffy pink dusted cheeks and that fluffy coconuthead. His soft as fuck hair, Taehyung wanted to hug him like a oversized teddy bear and kiss him all night.

He needed to. The thought of Jeongguk in an oversized pink soft hoodie plastered in his mind. He just suddenly felt the need to throw Jeongguk in his bed and just...

Taehyung couldn't take it. He started planting kisses onto Jeongguk's cheek, pulling him closer and hugging him, rubbing his forehead on the side of Jeongguk's head.

I've got it.

"Taehyung." Jeongguk finally said and finally left Taehyung relieved. Finally Jeongguk snapped out of his daydreams.

"Yeah?" Taehyung asked softly.

"Would you do anything to prove that you love me?" Jeongguk asked in a serious tone, making Taehyung immediately nod.

"O-of course Ggukie. Anything."

Jeongguk turned to Taehyung and pulled him close, his hot breath hitting Taehyung's lips.

"Let me dominate you."


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