Chapter 29

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"We should start creating porn videos."

Jeongguk stared at Taehyung with disgust visible on his face as he held a icy blue ice back on the older's head, horns and wings completely gone now.

After Taehyung had passed out, the two of them were extremely worried. They didn't know what to do, they thought about giving him a drink of some sort, heartbeat fast from the nervousness.

Who could know? It could kill the older and Jeongguk really didn't want him to die, especially since they've just started acting more couple like. But maybe they've worried for nothing, and they found out soon about it when they heard Taehyung mumbling something about having a threesome or something.

So it was nothing serious, and after a few minutes, he seemed well. A little too well since he can't stop talking about how Jeongguk, him and his friends could have a foursome.

Jeongguk fake puked and kept on cooling off the older. "I seriously don't understand you sometimes. You're such a dumbass." Taehyung pulled Jeongguk closer a bit, getting him startled in the process.

Jeongguk put one of his free hands on Taehyung's chest to stop him from pulling closer. "Why not? We're hot, have good ass bodies. We'll be rich Jeongguk." He explained carefully.

"I'll think about that."

Taehyung's eyes sparkled.

"After you'll die."

And Taehyung turned into his groggy state again. Jeongguk's no fun, he's like that boring guy at school, how can he have so many friends?

"Doesn't matter. I still want that on surface human sex you promised."

"After you take a shower. You smell like you've been thrown into a pile of garbage and then in vomit and back in the garbage." Jeongguk scrunched up his face in disgust and pulled away, waving his hand in front of his face to make the stench leave his nose.

Taehyung groaned. "You're such a meanie. If I was still a demon, you would've been chained up to the bed."

"Well guess what, you're not a demon anymore so.."

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he saw Jeongguk standing up quickly, taking the pack off along with it.

"And go shower. I can't bare your smelly ass." Jeongguk growled and turned around to walk off to his closet and picked out some oversized clothes because Taehyung's figure was much broader, and also Jeongguk had almost all of his clothes oversized, so it wouldn't be a problem.

He gave Taehyung the clothes. "The shower is right there." He said as he pointed to a white door on the other side of the room, beside his closet. "Shower and put on the clothes. You can put your own clothes to the wash and towels are below the sink in the cabinet."

He explained and got ready to leave before he felt a large hand stop him from doing so.

"Shower with me baby." Taehyung purred in a deep voice, a smirk finding itself on his face when he felt the younger shiver. He gulped nervously and looked down.

"N-no. Go by yourself." Taehyung laughed a little and pulled Jeongguk back onto his lap, rubbing his chin on his shoulder, hands wrapped around Jeongguk's waist. Jeongguk had agressive blush on his face, the smell making him sick.

"Ugh! That's gross, let me go!"

"Now you're dirty as well. Looks like you'll have to shower with me." Taehyung grinned and Jeongguk gave up. It's not like they haven't showered together before, so it shouldn't be that bad.

"Ah, fuck slow down! We didn't even get to the shower yet!" Jeongguk complained at Taehyung's agressive cloth removing and touching all over Jeongguk's body.

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