Chapter 4

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I got up to my room and took a quick shower and changed to go grocery shopping with Noah

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I got up to my room and took a quick shower and changed to go grocery shopping with Noah. I kept on looking over at my phone trying to see if Olivia would text me, but it was now 2 p.m. and I still hadn't any news from her.

I went towards my closet and put on a denim short, a large t-shirt, my Nikes and took my hair clip, using it to tame my curly hair and putting my hair out of my face. I took my bag and went downstairs, where I knew Noah was waiting for me.

(this is an outfit inspiration, if you don't like it, please no hate, everyone is entitled to their own styles and likings 😊)

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(this is an outfit inspiration, if you don't like it, please no hate, everyone is entitled to their own styles and likings 😊)

I knew that Noah had changed in the guest bedroom that was in the pool house, every time he came over he claimed this room as his, and no-one ever told him otherwise.

"Ready?" he asked smiling and I nodded,

"Which car are we taking?" I asked him and he jiggled his car keys in front of my face.

"Works for me." I smiled, I loved his car, an old black mustang, it was simply beautiful. We went outside, not before I found Isabelle to let her know that I was going out for a bit and giving her a quick hug. It was always funny how she was always taken aback whenever I hugged her, but it was becoming normal whenever I would go out. I don't know why, I feel like I needed to do it.

We left the property and made our way towards the closest grocery store. Once we arrived there were a lot of car parked, which wasn't unusual for a Saturday afternoon. We parked near a big black Mercedes G Wagon, it was one of my favourite cars, and I think that's why Noah parked near it.

We went out of the car, me making sure not to scratch the beauty parked next to us.

We made our way inside and took one of the baskets that was at the entry of the store.

"Okay so I am going to get something to drink and you just go get snacks." he tells me and I nodded,

"See you in five M." he said smiling and I smiled back.

I started to roam the aisles, looking for snacks. I had already taken some string cheese, some cold cuts, a baguette, my French side sticking out. Took some strawberries and made sure to take Nutella and whipped cream.  I was still looking for that one snack.

You know, that one snack that whenever you look at it you're already imagining 10 ways of eating it? Well I was looking for that kind of snack. And then my eyes landed on chocolate chip cookies and I knew I wanted them.

I wasn't short but either I had shrunk down or this store was gigantic, because the cookies I wanted were on the top shelf and as much as I tried I couldn't get ahold of them. I started to look around to see if anyone was there to help me, and since no-one was there I put the shopping basket on the floor and was about to put one foot on the first shelf to help me get to the cookies when a voice rang and I swear I had a small heart-attack, almost falling backwards.

"That's how you end up with a broken leg." the voice said, I turned around slowly, God I was ashamed.

"I think the cookies are worth it." I replied turning around and coming face to face with a vision.

The man was tall, way taller than me, he had dark brown hair slicked back, brown eyes that looked just like mine but his seemed to have green specks, he had a light stubble and full pink lips. And do not get me started on what he was wearing, he had a black shirt, that had two buttons undone at the top, and the sleeves were rolled up a bit, and he had black pants and some black dress shoes.

A small smile tugged on his lips after hearing what I said.

"Well if they are worth it, let me grab them for you." he said making his way towards me, I moved aside, still completely awestruck, and let him pick a pack of cookies for me. When he extended his arm to take the cookies, I noticed that he had tattoos on his arm. Which, excuse my French, was hot.

"There you go." he said handing me the cookies and I thanked him. He was looking at me without saying anything, his hands in his pockets and I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. And just as he was about to speak again I heard Noah's voice from behind me.

"Hi M, got everything you need?" he asked  as I turned towards him, I could see him looking behind me and furrowing his brows,

"Yes I have everything." I smiled at him genuinely, and he smiled back at me looking back once more and then coming towards me and took my hand in his leading me towards the cashier. As I looked behind quickly to at least thank the stranger, he was already gone.

"So what did you get us?" Noah asked, smiling as we made our way towards the car and I noticed that the G Wagon wasn't here anymore.

"A lot of good stuff." I said wiggling my eyebrows at him, he started the car once we had our seatbelts on and drove off towards my house.

As soon as we arrived at my place I informed Isabelle and told her that we would be in the movie theatre. I flipped the shopping bag upside down, once we were seated in the comfy couches in the movie room and laid everything so Noah could see.

"Uh strawberries, whipped cream, cookies, Nutella, cheese and charcuterie, that looks so good." he said to me, I quickly went to the bar in the room and took some bowls for the strawberries.

We put on 'Back to the Future', one of our favorite movies and started to watch it for the billionth time.

After the movie, we looked at the time and it was already 5:30 p.m.

"Well I will take my leave and we will see each other tonight at the party." he said getting up, I got up too and took all the trash that we had made and put them in a bag.

"Sure thing, could you just text me his address?" I asked him and he nodded,

"By the way take your car too, I don't think I will be staying long at this party. I am only going for Olivia." I told him and he nodded, leaving a kiss on my forehead as I hugged him goodbye.

I walked him towards the door and waved at him and he did too while driving away. I closed the door and entered the kitchen to throw away our trash. Soon after I made my way upstairs, towards my bedroom and sat on my bed for a good five minute deciding on what to wear.

I waited for Olivia to call, but she never did.

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