Chapter 15

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"Don't you have school tomorrow?" he asked me as he was softly stroking my hair

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"Don't you have school tomorrow?" he asked me as he was softly stroking my hair. We had moved towards the sofa, he was in a seating position, and I had my head on his shoulder, with my legs on the sofa.

"I do, but I really don't want to." I tell him, letting out the biggest sigh. I looked at my watch, it was already pretty late, and I hadn't eaten anything.

"How about I drive you home, but we pass by McDonald's to grab something to eat." He said, kissing the top of my head. Could he be any more perfect?

"That sounds great!" I tell him as I got up and waited for him to take his coat. Once he did he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, giving me a quick look and sending a smile my way. I smiled back and he opened the door to his office. Putting his famous work face on, hearing 'Capo' every time we passed by people in the hallways, they were doing a double take whenever they saw Enzo holding my hand. All those men looked huge, and all had guns on them, I gulped but kept calm.

"Enzo wait." I tell him once we made our way inside his garage, let me tell you that he had a really nice collection of cars. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me raising an eyebrow. I showed him my car keys, dangling them in front of me.

"If I go with you, I won't be able to take my car back to my house." I tell him, and then saw him type on his phone.

"Is it okay if Matteo brings the car back to your place?" he asked me, and I nodded.

"Okay then you can leave the keys here and Matteo will bring the car back when I'll be at your place so I can give him a ride home." I nodded and smiled at him, leaving the keys inside the key-box that was inside the garage.

Soon enough I was in his G Wagon, trying not to drool and I got lost in my thoughts when I heard Enzo call my name.

"Maggie?" his voice was soft, and I looked at him, God he was handsome.

"What do you want to order?" he asked again, and I told him my usual order and smiled at him, not long after that, we were on our way towards my house.

"Here let me help you." He said as he opened my car door and took the drinks with his right hand, while I was holding onto the bag with the food in it. I unlocked my front door, and we made our way inside.

"Let's go eat so then you can go to bed, tomorrow you do have school." He told me and I glared at him, if only we could already be done with everything.

We ate in silence, it wasn't awkward. It was actually pretty peaceful and relaxing. I was starting to get sleepy, but I really didn't want him to leave.

"I just realized that I never asked you how old you were." I tell him, munching on my fries, he looked up and took a napkin and wiped his mouth on it.

"Well, you hacked into the government and my database, don't you know how old I am?" he asked, mischief clear in his eyes. I just rolled mine playfully.

"I'm 27." He said, as he looked intently at me. Don't really know if he was waiting for a gasp or for me to be shocked, I wasn't. I just nodded and thanked him for answering my question.

"Well, I think I should go." He said standing up, I could feel he didn't want to, but he was reasonable like that, he knew I would have to wake up early and didn't want to make me waste any more time. If you ask me, being with him is never a waste of time.

I saw him typing on his phone, probably to let Matteo know that he could come with my car.
I walked him towards the front door, and I didn't know what to do, I wanted to kiss him, sure but I didn't know if what happened in his office was just, a spur of the moment thing or if it was something that could happen again.

"Maggie?" his voice took me out of my thoughts, I looked up at him, his features being lit up only by the moonlight. I took a deep breath.

"Stop overthinking." He said above a whisper as he took me in his arms and held me close to him. I could feel all his muscles and the really probable six pack that was under his shirt. His eyes never leaving mine, only to occasionally look down at my lips. How could someone I didn't even know 48 hours ago, be right here, looking at me and making me feel such weird feelings inside.

This was soooo unlike me.

I went on my tip toes and placed my lips on his. His hands cupping my cheek passionately, a satisfied sigh leaving my mouth, which seemed to do something to him because suddenly it wasn't just a small soft kiss anymore.

It was becoming more passionate by the second, as he bit my lip gently making me gasp, I felt his tongue gently fight against mine. Our lips moving in sync, we didn't want to pull away from each other even if we were running out of air.
The sound of a car pulling in my driveway made us pull away from each other, but not before he claimed my lips once more.

"Go to bed bambina, we will talk tomorrow." He said, and I just nodded, the way he pronounced that Italian word, making me weak in the knees, even thought I really didn't know what he said, could have called me a camel for all I know.

I watched him enter his car and leave with Matteo, not before I gave him a small, and pathetic, may I add, wave.

I closed the door and let out a deep breath. Gosh was I in trouble. As soon as I made my way towards my bed I wondered how we would talk tomorrow. For all I know I didn't have his number and he didn't have mine. I quickly shrugged and went towards my bathroom, putting on my pajama and brushing my teeth.

I made my way towards my bed and let out a satisfied sigh once I was under the cover. As I was about to plug my phone to the charger I saw an unknown number had texted me and I couldn't help but have a small smile on my lips once I wrote the text.

'You're not the only one who can hack the government's database. Sleep tight bambina. Love, Enzo.'

I couldn't help but bring my hand towards my lips, the feeling of his lips on mine still lingering after he went away. I'm sure as hell that I had a goofy smile on, but I couldn't care less.

'I see that, well, lucky you I am not going to sue. Goodnight Enzo.'

Was all I wrote, but before I turned my phone off I googled the word 'bambina', there were two different translations, 'girl' and 'baby', I fell asleep hoping the latter was what he called me, a big stupid smile on my face.

Hi guys, can't believe we have more than 200 reads!!!
You don't know how much it means to me!

Thank you so much to everyone of you.
Lots of love ❤️❤️

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