Chapter 22

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So, I killed Isabelle, I mean I had to

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So, I killed Isabelle, I mean I had to. She had put my baby in danger and when we gave her the chance to help us in finding who was after Maggie, she betrayed us. Again.

She had been throwing us off the whole time.
Giving us false leads that ultimately never led to anything, and we were better off without her in all the ways.

Let's just say I had been patient enough. And now was time to get back into the business I had grown up into.

As I was working on finding the Germans and also on who was behind the Maggie situation, I was going crazy at the lack of information that we were getting.

No amount of men getting killed would satiate the beast in me that was ready to go rogue when the people we were looking for, would be found.

Until one morning, it was around 5 a.m. when Matteo knocked on my door frantically and woke me up.

I wasn't able to sleep much before but now, since Maggie gone, I could count myself lucky if I was able to sleep at least two hours per night.

"Enzo! We have something!" was enough to make me get up and follow him into the basement.

"What do we have?" I asked him, not wanting to waste any more time. I mean I had already lost more than seven months with Maggie.

She had left and I didn't have any way to contact her and believe me she was to get an earful about it the day I would find her.

"We finally caught something. The Germans failed; they used an unprotected network to buy some airplane tickets." He soon, opened a document with the transcript of the transaction made for the airplane ticket.

Then my heart stopped, as the passport pictures used to buy the tickets, appeared.

"Xavier Hunt and Lucas Lane." I said their names out loud through my gritted teeth. I didn't know who this Lucas was but Xavier.
He was the one who murdered my father and suddenly it all made sense.

Everything was linked, the death of my father and Maggie.

And if my gut was right, then either Xavier needed some holidays, or he had a lead on Maggie, and she could very well be where they were going.

Xavier was like a brother to me until that fateful night. We had grown up together, his father and my father being best friends. My dad was the Capo, and his father was the second in command, they always had each other's backs. They had both taken countless numbers of bullets for the other and they wouldn't have had it any other way.

One day unfortunately as they were on their way to fight an enemy they had, the car with Xavier's dad exploded.
A bomb had been placed under the car, and weirdly enough it hadn't been found by the team that was supposed to look out for those things.

Xavier's dad died on the spot. He always blamed my father for not being in the car with him. He started to put the blame on everybody, and my dad was his principal target.

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