Chapter 32

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"Enzo, it's fine, I am okay

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"Enzo, it's fine, I am okay." I told him as he was adjusting the pillow behind my back for what seemed like the thousand time.

"Shh." was all he said, making me roll my eyes. He was shushing me, really?

"Enzo, it has already been a week since I was discharged from the hospital. The nurse said I was to not move for four days, it's has been more than four days and I actually really feel better." I told him, as he took a seat next to me on the bed.

"Well maybe you feel better, but I don't want you to hurt yourself or do something that could have you be in pain again. I still am not over the fact that you were in that hospital because of me-" he said and I cut him off.

"And you still haven't forgiven yourself, but I have. Not that there was anything to forgive in the first place." I said, knowing full well it was what he was going to say. I had been hearing this on repeat for the past week.

"Enzo, look, I feel better. I really do, and I love you for taking such good care of me but if we want to put an ed to all this madness with the Xavier guy then we need to concentrate on a way to find him and on getting to him before he does something else, way worse than to me, to somebody we care about." I looked right into his eyes, he looked so lost, so vulnerable.

I had never seen him like that, it made me frown. I brought my hand to his cheek and caressed it. He leaned in my warm hand and closed his eyes. It was the first time that I had realised how fragile he really was.

"I love you." I told him, he opened his eyes and a soft smile formed on his lips.

"I love you more, so so much." he said, leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. The kiss turning into a passionate demonstration of love. He picked me up, his lips never leaving mine. I was straddling him, my hands exploring his toned chest and opening slowly the buttons of his shirt. He broke the kiss, and started to look at me as I was unbuttoning the last button of his shirt.

My hands touching his pecs and making their way towards his shoulders, pulling off slowly the fabric of his shirt off his arms. Enjoying the vulnerability of the moment, I could feel him tense under my touch, while I was enjoying the display of art that was tattooed all over his body. He was a piece of art, a greek God, as if Michelangelo himself had sculpted him.

My hands went slowly down his chest, finding small scars here and there, probably from previous fights. His breath getting caught in his throat once I approached my lips from his neck and kissed softly.

His grip on me tightening. Feeling his head fall slowly backwards, giving me more access to his neck, giving me more access to devour him. The perfume he had on mixed with his natural sent drove me crazy. As I made my way higher, nearing his earlobe, I felt his hands lowering themselves and finding their place on my butt. One of his hand stayed on my butt while the other one slowly creeped its way under my shirt.

As I was still sucking and kissing the soft and tender skin of his neck. His grunts and small sighs of contentment and pleasure pushing me to continue my delicious assault. His soft hand was caressing my back, until in a flash, my shirt was being taken off of me. Leaving me in my sports bra, his burning gaze making me feel all hot and bothered.

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