Chapter 5

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I was tired

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I was tired. The flight back to L.A. was tiring and the week we had, had been really stressful. We had finally signed an alliance with the French and the British, which wasn't an easy task. There are both very stuck up and forming an alliance between Mafias wasn't easy with them, but we succeeded.

We knew that this alliance would be beneficial for us all. Being the Boss of the Italian and American Mafia wasn't an easy task either, but one my father had prepared me for my whole life. Like he said, I am not here to make friends, I am here to protect and make sure all our different 'businesses' are running smoothly. I never took time to praise myself but for once I was proud of me and I liked to think that my father would have been too. I leaned back in my chair when, Matteo my second in command came through the door of my office and I snapped up, giving him a death glare for not knocking before entering.

"Didn't you learn to knock!" I said pissed off, he lowered his eyes and muttered a small apology. Even if we were best friends, there was still a hierarchy to follow. 

"Sorry Boss. We have a lead on the Germans, we wanted to know if you wanted to come with. We are just going to check the place out." Matteo said, waiting for my reply.

God can I ever get a minute of peace?

"Yeah, let me just get changed I will be right down." I told him, getting up too and leaving my office to go to my room. There I took a quick shower and left all the clothes I had worn in a corner of the bathroom on the floor, someone would pick that up later.

As soon as I got out of the shower I wore my signature black suit, with my black shirt and dress shoes. I regretted wearing the blazer as soon as I was out the door because it was particularly warm today.

I saw Matteo, Lorenzo and James waiting near my G Wagon

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I saw Matteo, Lorenzo and James waiting near my G Wagon. As soon as I approached them they nodded at me.

"Let's go, I don't want to waste any more time." I said going to the passenger seat, Matteo going to the drivers side.

As it turns out, once we arrived, we went inside the compound, we saw that it was abandoned, the Germans had been there but they had fled apparently. Leaving behind some pretty good material.

"Have a team come and pick all the material that is usable." I told Lorenzo and he nodded his head, calling someone immediately.

As I looked around, I saw that they had left also a board with the writing half erased. What had happened here for them to flee this place this quickly, leaving behind so many information that would probably be beneficial to us? I wondered.

As soon as the team that I ordered to come, arrived, we went on our way back to the house. This time I was driving.

"Boss, do you think we could stop at the next grocery store?" I heard Matteo's voice, and I rolled my eyes,

"What for? We have people who can go get stuff for you." I tell him, sparing him a glance and then looking back at the road.

"It's for my mother, it's hers and my dad's anniversary, the first year since he passed so I wanted to buy her something. But it's fine." he tells me, I let out the biggest sigh, he knew I was going to stop now. I wasn't that cruel. I continued driving, until we were at the grocery store nearest from our house. I parked the car and didn't say a word, as I got out.

Matteo looked shocked, did he really think I wouldn't stop?

We all went inside and people were already changing aisles whenever I was going somewhere. Which caused a small smirk to appear on my lips, concealing it as soon as it appeared. I liked the fact people were scared of me, that my aura was somewhat bothering them. They were all afraid of me and I wasn't expecting anything less.

That was until I saw, a girl or rather, a young woman, who was about to climb up a shelf to grab something. Was she insane? Before I could even comprehend what was going on, I spoke up, shocking myself.

"That's how you end up with a broken leg." I said coldly, not as cold as I normally talk but still. I could see her turn slowly to look at me, either ashamed or scared of me.

"I think the cookies are worth it." she replied finally facing me, her eyes had a little bit of mischief in them, but she did look ashamed as a light shade of red appeared on her cheeks.

I got to have a good look at her. She wasn't small, but still not tall enough for the top shelf. She had brown curly hair that were clipped by a hair clip or whatever it's called, she had the most chocolaty brown eyes I had ever seen and had a cute smile.

A cute smile, what the hell Enzo!

A small smile tugged on my lips after hearing what she said. My smile not disappearing as fast as I wanted it to.

"Well if they are worth it, let me grab them for you." I said making my way towards her, she moved aside and let me pick the pack of cookies she wanted. Her perfume intoxicating me, a mixture of coconut and passion fruit.

Get. A. Grip.

"There you go." I said handing her the cookies and she thanked me. Without noticing she brushed her soft petite hand against mine and I could swear she had the softest hands.

What in hell are you talking about!?

I was looking at her without saying anything, I don't know if I was trying to figure her out but I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. Just as I was about to ask for her name, a guy appeared behind her and took her hand. I guess it must be her boyfriends. I clenched and unclenched my fists when I saw the look he gave her and the look he gave me.

I had killed people for less than the way he was acting.

"Hi M, got everything you need?" I heard him say, M? That could stand for so many names. In a second I snapped out of whatever this encounter was and left, making my way outside and going straight to the car where all the guys were waiting on me.

Seeing my face, they knew better than to ask any questions. I started the car and left, leaving behind all the questions I had about that girl, that I knew I would never see again.

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