ONE | Rainy Days | KV

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Why can't I be with you?
I feel like I'm lonely up here.
Where's mommy?
I wanna come down and be with you.
Why is there all this sticky red stuff on my clothes?


Sitting straight up in his bed, Khaza gasped for air as he looked around the bedroom only to realize that it was nobody but him and that he had, had one of his many nightmares again.

Almost every night Khaza would endure the same nightmare over and over again. A nightmare he was running from. Each morning he would be awakened to beads of sweat that would turn into droplets. Droplets that rolled down the side of his radiant skin dripping onto his hand.

Once Khaza calmed down, he began making his way over to the window of his bedroom opening up the curtains and letting the sun beam all over his glowing skin. He took in the moment to bask in it's warmth as the sun started waking him up.

Gazing at his reflection from the window, Khaza was almost disgusted at what was looking back at him. Somebody whom he couldn't seem to recognize anymore. Those nightmares had taken a heavy toll on him to the point where numbness would filtrate his whole body.

Murder. Killer. It's your fault. It should've been you instead of her.

The harsh and venomous words that came from the mother of his child played over and over again in his head like a broken record. Sheer and utter pain filled his heart as the words for daggers kept stabbing his already shattered heart.

"I don't mean to impose but the funeral starts in a hour Khaza. I don't want us to be late son." The husky voice of Ezra, Khaza's father, broken the state of trance he was in.

"I don't wanna go pops. I can't see my baby like that." Ezra who was already dressed and ready to go, stepped further into the room before closing the door.

"Son I know how hard this is for you, for all of us really." Ezra sympathized with his child. "I don't wanna see my grand-baby like that either but it's something that you and I both have to be in attendance for."

"You know I still have nightmares about that night? I can still hear her screams. And all that blood, her body was so cold." Hearing the cracking of his voice, Ezra quickly went over to console his son who was on the brink of crying.

It didn't help Ezra himself was trying his hardest to hold back tears that wanted to so desperately escape. He was trying to be strong for his son because that's what he needed for today.

"It's alright son." Ezra held Khaza close, beginning to rock him in his embrace. "I wish just by hugging you I could take the pain away. You don't gotta be strong, not today."

"If it weren't for me, she'd still be here. I shouldn't even had her around an environment like that but I didn't think nothing like that would go down like it did." Khaza still cradled to his father's warm embrace.

"You're not to blame." Ezra stopped rocking Khaza. He looked over him watching him wipe away the stray tears that dared to escape from his eyes.

"That night plagues heavily in my mind as well. You're not to blame though son. Despite other people judgements, I know you didn't have anything to do with her death. You loved that little girl dearly."

"It just rips me to pieces knowing my daughter is gone." Khaza sniffed. "And there's nothing I can do about it."

"Life will never be the same Khaza for either of us that loved Bailey. Today will be one the hardest days but you have to go son." Ezra expressed. Khaza took a deep breath in inhaling the tears he didn't want to come out.

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