THIRTEEN | Getting To Know You (PART 1) | KV

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The soft, gentle sounds of Lloyd's Southside blasted through Aspen's AirPods as she let the tune of the ballad relax her mind. It had been a few days ago since that while ordeal with Angelo had taken place and she just needed like a reset to finally ease all the stress and tension away from her.

Now she was just trying to find peace. After putting basically everything she had into Angelo, all Aspen  wanted was some kind of tranquility. Yeah, it mind sound cliche like the saying, just focusing on me but it was the truth.

Being with Angelo made Aspen lose her way, made her blind to BS that came with him. Not only that but she started to neglect herself, she'd put everything she needed or wanted on hold for him just to get nothing but hurt feelings and a fucked up mind from him.

Even through all that chaos, Aspen still didn't let that change her as a person. She knew how good and genuine of a person she was and she was not about to let Angelo or anyone else soil that.

Aspen would simply change who'd she'd be good to from now on.

It was around six o'clock in the evening when Aspen thought it would be a good idea to start on her homework for the Biology class that was assigned to her. Next to anatomy, bio was Aspen's most difficult course.

With Lloyd's Southside coming to an end, she decided to skip over to the next song in her playlist. Aspen had a colorful taste when it came to music. She'd listen to just about anything: R&B, rap, neo-soul, 70s-90s music, even country.

She continued to skip over songs until she landed on Jhene Aiko's Right Here. Since the very first time Aspen heard that song on the Proud Family movie, it stuck with her. It had such a soft yet mesmerizing melody to it.

"Whatcha doing?" Khaza inquired, plopping down onto Aspen's bed. He had just finished up playing God Of War: Ragnorok when he made up on his mind to come and see what Aspen was doing.

At first, Aspen didn't hear Khaza. She felt his presence but she was too focused on her homework to notice him.

"Aspen?" Khaza called out. "I know you hear me." He side-eyed her. Even though he was irritated by Aspen not acknowledging him, Khaza couldn't help but to admire how stunning she was.

Her honey brown skin looked as if it was soft just like cotton. Around her nose area were light shades of freckles, you couldn't really tell they were there unless you were close to her face.

Her rounded shaped lips looked good enough to suck on due to the Ruby Kisses Clear Lip Oil that glistened from them. That was the only lip gloss that Aspen spent her money on buying. Plus it was great for any cracked or dry lips.

The sweet scent of YSL's Black Opium was like an intense feeling of delight. The mixture of vanilla and coffee was delightfully attacking Khaza's nostrils.

Damn near wanted to be in Aspen's skin the way she smelled so good.

"You don't hear me lil folks?" Khaza asked, removing the AirPod from her ear. "I had asked what you were doing but you ignoring me I guess. Kinda hurt my feelings." He pouted.

Aspen lightly giggled, taking the other AirPod out her ear. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to." She honestly said. "I'm just so wrapped up into completing this assignment before it's due."

"What it's 'bout? Like what the teacher got you doing?" Khaza grabbed the side of the Pink HP Laptop, turning it to him.

Aspen wanted a MacBook but she felt like because it was college, she'd just purchase something just for her courses. That's really the only time she used the laptop, for homework.

"Well right now I'm doing this virtual assignment where I have to name the different parts that are inside the cadaver." She told him, pointing to the screen.

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