FOUR | Small Favors | KV

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As the evening turned to night, Khaza found himself standing inside one of the only well known strip clubs around the city, Desire. From what Khaza was witnessing, it definitely lived up to it's hype.

Soon as you stepped foot inside, Renni Rucci's Bend It Over blasted throughout the spacious building. Some people took seats at the bar while others grabbed themselves a seat by the stage. The pink colored lights that were above the ceiling moved around giving a better sight of the club.

Lush barstool chairs, beautiful black stone and marble tiles glistened from beneath your feet whenever beam of light would hit them plus more.

As Khaza scanned around the busy club, his eyes landed on a door that was being guarded by two men. Just from the way the guards were on watch, Khaza could tell that's where Bishop's office was.

Wasting little to no time, Khaza maneuvered across the club floor inhaling clouds of smoke that tainted the air. The club was filled with people either smoking, dancing or moving their bodies to the music.

Soon Khaza reached the door that were being guarded by the security, which had two men standing on both sides of it.

Khaza then proceeded to walk by until one of the guards stopped him. "You can't go back there." He said stopping Khaza in his tracks.

"Don't even play me like that, you know me." Khaza boasted with confidence. Back when Khaza would do little odds and ends for Bishop, the two guardsmen, XL and Rise, were like his best pals. They protected him from almost any little thing.

All of that changed when Khaza decided to step away from that kind of lifestyle.

"Y'all really gon' play me like that? Like I'm a lil boy?" Khaza looked between the two guards almost in disbelief. He figured things had probably changed since he left Bishop and his crew but he'd at least thought the same respect would be present.

"It ain't even like that Khaza." XL spoke. "We just following orders." He shrugged. "We haven't been close with you in I don't know how long. Can't expect us to just welcome you with open arms."

"Yeah." Rise chimed in. "I mean for all we know, you could be a fed." He mugged looking Khaza up and down.

Khaza wasn't even phased by the so call threatening tactic Rise was trying to use on him. If anything, it just annoyed him. Especially since he knew Rise wasn't really about that type action he talked.

"First of all, don't ever associate me with no shit like that. You already know how I'm coming and it's nothing in that form."

Rise didn't utter another word as he continued to have a mug on his face. Khaza could tell it was a ton of animosity coming from him just by his demeanor.

Why? That was something Khaza couldn't even answer himself. It had been a long, long time since him and Rise chopped shit up together but all that bad energy was unnecessary.

"I need to talk Bishop about something pertaining to my father."

"You can't hear?" Rise inquired tilting his head. "We already told you ain't nobody allowed back here. You think just cause we know you that means your face card good?" He lightly chuckled.

"What the fuck is yo' problem Rise? All that mugging and shit you doing ain't phasing me. I don't know when you decided to drop yo' nuts but you can see me if that's what it is."

"Nigga I'll fuck you up bitch." Rise taunted. Not wanting to blow up off just pure anger, Khaza couldn't do nothing but laugh it off.

Not the haha funny kind of laugh, more of haha I'm not trying to catch a case laugh. Especially with his kind of temper.

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