EIGHT | A Little Help Won't Hurt | KV

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Sitting in the blue and black GT Player gaming chair was Khaza. He sat there, unable to take his gaze away from Aspen who he was letting rest in his bed.

Part of him was still furious, furious at how Angelo could just savagely manhandle her like that. When Khaza arrived at the pizza place, he couldn't believe how bloody Aspen was.

Khaza almost liked to lost his mind thinking Aspen was hurt but she quickly explained to him that all of the blood came from Angelo.

Even if it did come from Angelo, Khaza was still heated. He couldn't imagine the terror Aspen had to go through within those moments. Fighting for her life, just having to accept the fact that probably would've been her last memories.

He watched her lay there sound asleep, hearing the little snores that managed to escape every now and again. Oddly, her snores didn't bother Khaza. If anything they were cute to him.

Khaza continued to watch over Aspen until he saw the light from the hallway appear under his bedroom doorway. He then took a glimpse at the time from his phone. It was around five o'clock in the morning when Khaza could hear Ezra getting ready for work.

Khaza slowly lifted himself from the gaming chair, making sure not to wake Aspen. He swiftly moved across the bedroom, turning the knob to open the door.

Soon as he was in the hallway, Khaza carefully closed the door. He then made his way downstairs into the kitchen where he found Ezra cooking himself a fried egg sandwich for breakfast.

"Boy do you ever sleep?" Ezra asked his son. It seemed like every morning, he would catch or hear Khaza being up in the wee hours.

"Occasionally." Khaza replied. He walked passed Ezra to the refrigerator, getting a bottle of Eternal water from the rack.

Khaza twisted the cap to the bottled water off, taking a sip. The crisp cold H2O cascaded down his throat, quenching his thirst.

"Yo pops I gotta ask you something well, tell you something."

Ezra raised an eyebrow while he turned the knob to the stove off. "Okayyy." He dragged. "And that is?"

Khaza sighed, setting the bottle of Eternal water aside. "Aight you remember Aspen? The girl who stayed the other night."

Ezra nodded his head, grabbing a plate for his sandwich. "Yeah?"

"She called around two this morning in a panic, rather frantic." Ezra's face raised concern as he continued to listen onto Khaza.

"What the hell happened?" Ezra inquired, placing the freshly fried egg onto a slice of Kings Hawaiian bread.

"She was like that Angelo nigga almost killed her." Ezra's mouth dropped opened, stunned. "And how she had to fight her way out of there." He explained.

"What the fuck is wrong with these young niggas today? Excuse my language son." Ezra said biting into the egg sandwich. "Instead of protecting these young girls, they're trying to kill them. And they wonder why women are afraid of men." Ezra shook his head, disgusted.

"Is she okay?" He questioned, taking a sip of the lemon water that he made the night before.

Khaza's face had formed into more a yikes facial expression. He was a tad bit nervous to tell Ezra about letting Aspen take shelter in their home. He really was clueless as to how his father would react to the news.

"What you making that face for?" Ezra asked biting the sandwich again.

"See pops." Ezra huffed, already knowing it's probably something drastic that's about to be said. "Just hear me out." The male paused, before taking another sip of water.

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