EIGHTEEN | Familiar Nightmare | KV

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"So that would bring your total to seven-hundred dollars." Aspen told the middle aged customer. While Aspen gave the woman time to find her wallet to pay for her things, she began bagging the items, neatly folding them.

Prices ranged like that at The Cardinal. One pair of jeans went for almost eighty to over a hundred dollars. Even the little whatnots like socks or hair scarfs would cost thirty or forty dollars.

It didn't take Aspen long to understand that stores like The Cardinal specifically catered to the Caucasian side of buyers. Yeah it'd be a few people of color to shop amongst the store but they weren't the target.

"You can just swipe your card whenever you're ready." The short, stout woman nodded her as she slide the credit down the scanner. Once it alerted Aspen that the payment was successful, she went around the counter, handing the woman her purchase.

That was another thing you had to do at The Cardinal, walk around to the customer and hand them their items. For whatever reason, Aspen wasn't told, those were the orders by the manger.

Aspen felt it was over the top to do when she could simply just reach across the counter instead of having to walk around but in order to keep her job, she followed whatever instructions that were laid out to her.

After the customer thanked Aspen, she went to where the dressing rooms were to check for any pieces of clothing that hadn't been put back out onto the selling floor. That was one of the most aggravating things Aspen had to do when it came to her job.

Majority of the times it'd be an abundance of clothing hanging up waiting to be put back in its rightful places. From dresses to shirts to pants, Aspen had the dreadful duty of making sure no clothing was left in the dressing rooms.

If it wasn't for her needing the money, Aspen wouldn't have never taken an occupation in retail, it was an pain in the ass job. Mostly it was the entitled customers that gave her a hard time. A lot of the shoppers were sweethearts but every now and then Aspen would come across those "Karens." And you know how that goes.

While Aspen checked each of the Madamera fitting rooms, which were some of the cutest dressing rooms she'd seen at a store. They were simple and plain, being just an all pastel purple color on the outside and an all white interior on the inside. Ordinary but very fashion trendy which incorporated well with the rest of the store.

To her surprise, there weren't any clothing needed to be hanged up or folded. Usually it'd be a full rack for Aspen to put away. With that task completing itself, she headed back out to the front of the store. From there she checked for customers to her surprise again, weren't present.

Being that it was Thursday, Aspen expected the store to be packed but she figured because it was nearing around four o'clock, people were occupied doing other things or just getting off work.

With no clothes to hang up or customers to help, Aspen pulled out her phone from her back pocket. She thought she'd play Sims to occupy some of her time. The manager didn't mind employees being on the phone when the store was empty like that.

Aspen tapped on the screen to her iPhone 13, putting in the six digit password. Right when she was about to open the Sims application, her phone vibrated indicating a message had just been sent to her.

She pulled the notifications tab down, pressing it. There, Aspen saw it was Khaza that text her. Instantly a smile formed on her face and her heart began to lightly pound nervously. It was crazy how a simple text message from him had her acting all timid like.

Hey pretty girl, wyd? I was thinking 'bout you so I was like let me text her, see what she doing

Aspen blushed as she read the message to herself. She thought about adding a couple of emojis by Khaza's name but she wasn't too sure if that was something she wanted to do just yet. It's like the second you add emojis by a person's name, they get to acting funny and start showing their ass.

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